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Subject: security requirements & use cases
Jim, thanks so much for being the editor. I've attempted to add in scenarios to the existing set of requirements we are proposing to add to the delivery matrix for each phase. The new "use cases for security" are in bold blue font (hope everyone can see that). I've also edited a few of the requirements so I need everyone to please review and comment. thanks to everyone who participated in the security face to face. (See attached file: UseCases&Reqts.doc) Maryann just a few other things we've decided to pursue for security in Tokyo..... we need to standardize on terms.....please send me your suggestions for sources of security terminology and we will put this together for the group to vote on we will also need submissions for "security technology" that can meet the requirements.....we haven't quite figured out how this will be collected and reflected since part of the task will be the submitter needs to fully articulate how to use the technology in PA- terms and then how to test interoperability of the stated configuration. more on this later. so start thinking about your favorite security technology.......
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