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ebxml-transport message

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Subject: RE: proposal: test indicator (2)


   The CPA [CPASPEC] provides the ability to disable the use
   of the 'test' indicator either at the level of the CPA
   or specifically for zero or more Service/Action pairs within
   the CPA.

The part about disabling the test indicator for zero or more service/action
pairs assumes that the service description which comes from the BP
Specification Metamodel assumes that the service description will permit
fine-grained referencing to individual commercial transactions from
elsewhere in the CPA.  We know that we need this capability for other
reasons but it isn't yet a sure thing.



Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com

"Burdett, David" <david.burdett@commerceone.com> on 11/30/2000 10:46:40 PM

To:   "'christopher ferris'" <chris.ferris@east.sun.com>,
Subject:  RE: proposal: test indicator (2)

I vote for proposal 2.


-----Original Message-----
From: christopher ferris [mailto:chris.ferris@east.sun.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 3:49 PM
To: ebxml-transport@lists.ebxml.org
Subject: proposal: test indicator (2)

As discussed on yesterday's conference call (at length) here is
the second of two formal proposals for a test/production indicator.
It differs only in that the CPA (TBD) will have the ability to
identify whether the Usage/@Mode='test' is allowed, either at the
CPA or the Service/Action level and provides for a specific exception
process to be followed...



Proposal 2 Test indicator with pass-through semantics and CPA override

7.9.2 CPAInfo
The TPAInfo element follows the From and To elements in the
Header element structure. The CPAInfo element is a composite set
of information that relates to the Collaboration Protocol Agreement
under which the message is governed. The CPAInfo element has five
child elements as follows:
     - CPAId
     - ConversationId
     - Service
     - Action
     - Usage

The Usage element has a cardinality of zero or one. It has a single
attribute, Mode, which has two possible values; 'test' and 'production'.

A Message Service Handler implementation is REQUIRED to provide
the information implied by the Usage element, (e.g. that the message
is either a production or a test message) to the layer of software
above it in the stack (such as the receiving application).

If the Usage element is NOT present in the ebXMLHeader document
of a given message, then that message is REQUIRED to be treated
as if it were a 'production' message.

The CPA [CPASPEC] provides the ability to disable the use
of the 'test' indicator either at the level of the CPA
or specifically for zero or more Service/Action pairs within
the CPA. The Message Service Handler is REQUIRED to check
the CPA to determine if use of the Usage element is permitted.
If not, then the Message Service Handler MUST respond with
a <FeatureNotSupported> error message [ref sect x.x].

This specification makes no claims on the behavior expected of
the application receiving a message which has a Usage Mode of
'test'. It is up to the application receiving the message and
the Usage indicator as to how it is expected to handle processing
of a 'test' message.

The authors of this specification have added this element to
the specification of the ebXMLHeader so as to accommodate
mappings to other protocols which may choose to adopt ebXML
as their messaging protocol. It is RECOMMENDED that caution
be taken by IT organizations contemplating use of this feature
because of the implications it may have should a 'test' message
be treated as if it were a 'production' message.

Appendix A.1

     <!ELEMENT TPAInfo (..., Usage?)>
        <!ELEMENT Usage EMPTY>
        <!ATTLIST Usage  Mode  (test | production)  "production" >

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