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Subject: RE: Comments on 0.8 DTDs
Robert, 1) The first point may be the result of an error in a suggestion I made during the Tokyo meeting. Perhaps, that suggestion required changes before it was accepted? I apologise if my attempt to correct a prior inconsistency resulted in a new (hopefully smaller) one. 2) On your first point about appendix B.1, "that value" would be documented if my proposal (the "Charset and media type recommendations.doc" file) is accepted. However, I simply documented what appeared in the examples when putting that together. I agree with your general direction and made a few similar comments in the proposal. To resolve this point, we should check with the TA team about schema locations, namespace identifiers, public DTD identifiers and DTD locations. If they've defined a consistent scheme for generating these identifiers and locations, we should follow it. Otherwise, we should come up with something internally consistent (for example, not put the schema and DTD on different hosts). Side question: Are we using the default namespace of the ebXMLHeader strictly as a namespace? Or, is it intended to point to some (yet to be defined) schema for that element? 3) Yes. thanx, doug -----Original Message----- From: Adams, Robert [mailto:robert.adams@intel.com] Sent: December 5, 2000 10:46 To: 'ebxml-transport@lists.ebxml.org' Subject: Comments on 0.8 DTDs I spent some time validating the DTD in appendix A.1 with the examples at the end of the 0.8 document. Here are some of the problems I came up with: Header DTD: Appendix A.1 Specifies a #FIXED value of "http://ebxml.org/namespaces/messageHeader" when the text says the value should be "http://www.ebxml.org/namespaces/messageHeader". The latter is also what appears in the later examples. Example1: Appendix B.1 The DOCTYPE specifies a DTD of "level1-10122000.dtd". Where did that come from? It is not specified in the text of the spec. Since these will be separate, small XML documents, if they are validated, the validator will either fetch the DTD from a repository or it will know the DTD. In either case, the DTD needs a consistent name. Since these documents will be transmitted to anyone validating them, there will be no "base" to use to fetch this relative DTD name. So, I'd recommend the DTD should be specified with: <!DOCTYPE ebXMLHeader PUBLIC "-//ebXML//DTD ebXML Header 1.0//EN" SYSTEM "http://www.ebxml.org/DTD/ebxmlHeader-1.dtd"> and that this be specified in the text of the document. Example2: Appendix B.2 The required element "RoutingHeader" is not in the ebXMLHeader element. Something needs to be added. Robert Adams mailto:Robert.Adams@intel.com MS JF3-212 2111 NE 25th Ave Hillsboro, OR 97124 USA phone: +1.503.264.9424; cell: +1.503.709.3259; FAX: +1.503.264.3375
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