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ebXML Participants,

Sponsorship opportunities are now available for the next ebXML meeting in
Vancouver, Canada, 12-16 February 2001.

Get the recognition you deserve as a supporter of ebXML. Ensure that ebXML
participation remains open to all. Join the ranks of industry leaders that
include Boeing, CEN/ISSS, Commerce One, IBM, Muzmo Communications, General
Motors and Sun Microsystems. Sponsor an ebXML meeting.

ebXML participant meeting fees don't begin to cover the cost of hosting
these important events. UN/CEFACT and OASIS depend on the generous
contributions of ebXML supporters. Without sponsors to defray costs, meeting
fees would be cost-prohibitive, and many valued ebXML participants would
simply be unable to attend.

As an ebXML Vancouver meeting sponsor, your company will be featured on the
ebXML website, in the conference materials and in the post-meeting press
release. You will be recognized--by fellow ebXML participants, the press and
the public--as an organization that is committed to the future of electronic
business and open standards. ebXML meeting sponsorship, available at USD
is a worthwhile investment in building your visibility in the industry.

Thank you for considering this exciting and vital contribution to ebXML.
In order to ensure that the benefits of sponsorship remain of high value,
there are a *very limited* number of sponsorships available.

To start taking advantage of ebXML sponsorship for the Vancouver meeting,
please contact me today.


Executive Director               Secretary
OASIS                            ebXML
Tel: +1 978 667 5115 x201
Fax: +1 978 667 5114

OASIS                  http://www.oasis-open.org
XML.ORG                http://xml.org
The XML Cover Pages    http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/
CGM Open               http://www.cgmopen.org
ebXML                  http://www.ebxml.org

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