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ebXML Supporters:
Now that ebXML has been approved, we need to update the website's
endorsement page, http://www.ebxml.org/endorsements.htm, to showcase our
accomplishments and implementation plans. Most of the quotes there were
written when the initiative first began, and they will be deleted on 30

Editors and potential users continually ask which industry groups and
products support ebXML. We'll be pointing people to
http://www.ebxml.org/endorsements.htm for answers, so posting a quote
there is a great way to be recognized for your work on ebXML.

Any organization may submit an endorsement--you do not need to be a
member of UN/CEFACT or OASIS. Just email your submission to
carol.geyer@oasis-open.org. Be sure to include:

1. Quote. The content should focus on your organization's specific plans
to implement, integrate or use ebXML. Vendors are encouraged to mention
ebXML-compliant products by name. Quotes should provide factual
information and avoid the use of excessive hyperbole or unsubstantiated
claims, e.g., "the world's greatest ebXML product".

2. Name and title to whom the quote should be attributed.

3. URL for your organization.

4. Category of your organization:
a) Industry Groups and Standards Bodies
b) Vendors
c) Users

Remember that the "We Support ebXML" logo is available on
http://www.ebxml.org/project_teams/marketing/marketing.htm. Everyone is
encouraged to promote their support by displaying the logo on their
websites, product packaging and promotional materials.

Thanks for your support.

Carol Geyer
Director of Communications

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