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Subject: ebXML - Notes from Klaus's presentation
Dear all, After two weeks - and only thanks to William Kammerer who explained me how to subscribe without using the form - I finaly achieved to get on this list. Thanks a lot William. I promised to post my notes from Klaus's presentation in Brussels (see attached word file). The idea is to create a standard presentation + speaker notes. I don't know who is taking care of this "standardised" presentation but if I remember correctly there were also other presentations we could use apart from Klaus's. Anyway, as discussed in Brussels, it would be useful to have one standard presentation with three different 'introductions' if you like, depending on the audienc you are adressing : * a presentation for EDI 'literate' people with an intro giving some background info on XML (that is how Klaus starts his presentation) * a different intro with some slides on EDI in case you are addresing XML 'literate' people (apparently Klaus has some slides introducing EDI which we could use) * a different intro for a 'General Management' type of public (doesn't exist yet ?) In addition, I suggest to summarize again at the end of the presentation why ebXML is crucial for the success of XML and E-commerce in general. I.e. to repeat once more the "key message" you want your public to take home. I'm new to the subject so forgive me if I'm wrong, but for me the key message was : ***ebXML - is the ONLY initiative which guarantees a "global' solution / solution accessible for SME's (shrink wrapped in software)... ***ebXML - builds on the best of breed : (over 20 years of EDI knowledge - "BUSINESS" knowledge (UN/CEFACT) + XML expertise (OASIS)) ***Without ebXML - end up with plethora of XML dialects which don't interoperate. That's all. Kind regards, Annie Vanooteghem <<Klaus 1.doc>> CMASS Horizon Business Park - Building 2 - Box 13 Leuvensesteenweg 510 - 1930 Zaventem - Belgium Tel: +32.2.717.93.90 Fax: +32.2.721.54.00 Web: http://www.cmass.be
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