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ebxml-awareness message

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Subject: Re: Urgent - Need review of presentation abstract by COB Monday

sorry i forgot to add that ebXML is not a 'language' as many may interpret this to
mean.  in a sense it is more a way of referring to meaning rather than meaning
itself (e.g. more semiotics than grammar).

i am still struggling with a better title, maybe...

'ebXML: defining a framework for electronic business'

Tim McGrath wrote:

> I agree with Alan - this is a suitable abstract.
> To add my penny's worth,..
> i suggest the title 'ebXML: The new language of electronic business' may be
> misleading.
> para. 3. , sentences 2 & 3 do not read correctly.
> how about...
> "Many of these initiatives share
> common requirements.  To allow interoperability amongst these services a common
> e-business framework is needed.  Therefore, in November 1999, the UN CEFACT and
> organisations came together to form the ebXML  initiative and develop a global
> infrastructure for electronic business, based on public, proven standards,
> and being freely open to all.  It represents the only initiative of
> its type in the industry today. As a result it now has the backing and
> participation of large and small vendors, key industry groups around the world
> from both the
> EDI and XML worlds, and end-users."
> (also added the concept of  interoperability and dropped a few 'globals')..
> hope this helps.
> AlanKotok@cs.com wrote:
> > Simon, et al
> >
> > Good job.  Your abstract -- and I assume the presentation it represents --
> > touches all the right points.  I did a little editing to add a lead sentence,
> > break up into paragraphs for easier reading, and use a little more active
> > rather than passive voice, but keep your ideas intact.  See below; keep or
> > toss as you wish.  Best regards.
> >
> > Alan Kotok
> > AlanKotok@cs.com
> > http://myfreeoffice.com/techjournalist/
> >
> > p.s. Internet is a formal name and thus capitalized (or capitalised if you
> > prefer ....)
> >
> > =================
> >
> > ebXML: The new language of electronic business
> >
> > The Electronic Business XML or ebXML initiative combines the best of the new
> > Web technology with previous experience of electronic transactions, and
> > promises to extend the benefits of business data exchange to companies of all
> > sizes anywhere in the world.
> >
> > Over the last 25 years most of the world's larger enterprises have exchanged
> > electronic transactions with their customers and suppliers in volumes that
> > today are measured in billions of dollars. However, only those organisations
> > with the deepest pockets and large support resources could afford the
> > development, software, and networks needed to make it work. Now, with the
> > availability of the Internet, organisations worldwide and in all sizes are
> > looking to do business electronically with each other, in ways which remove
> > dependencies on their trading partners and specific technology vendors.
> >
> > The last year has seen an explosion in initiatives to provide the
> > infrastructure that enables small, medium and large organisations to conduct
> > business electronically using the Internet. Many of the initiatives share
> > common requirements in core infrastructure and to reduce reinvention and the
> > risks of incompatibility.  In November 1999, the UN CEFACT and OASIS
> > organisations came together to form the ebXML  initiative to develop a global
> > infrastructure for electronic business, based on public, proven standards,
> > and being freely open to all.  It represents the only global initiative of
> > its type in the industry today. As a result it now has the global backing and
> > participation of large and small vendors, key industry groups from both the
> > EDI and XML worlds, and end-users.
> >
> > The first phase of this 18-month work is now nearing completion and is
> > defining the framework by which all enterprises, irrespective of size,
> > location and implementation will interact and do business. This presentation
> > provides an insight into the ongoing work of ebXML and will discuss the
> > architecture defining the framework and how the specifications for transport,
> > business process, registry and repository and core components fit together.
> --
> regards
> tim mcgrath
> TEDIS   fremantle  western australia 6160
> phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142

tim mcgrath
TEDIS   fremantle  western australia 6160
phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142

tel;cell:+61 (0)438352228
fn:tim mcgrath

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