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Subject: RE: ebXML and RosettaNet
Erik, There are a few different ways this would be done: 1. ebXML TRP can be a replacement for the RNIF, transporting payloads conforming to RosettaNet DTDs. In this case, the applications would need to handle exceptions and choreographies as defined by the PIP. One potential advantage here is we can have a light-weight infrastructure using apache and soap. 2. Another way is to define ebXML BPs which specify exchanging XML documents based on the RosettaNet PIPs - including the choreography as well as exceptions. An ebXML complaint software can then run these business processes. 3. Another related scenario is ebXML complementing existing standards (like RosettaNet) by adding core components and business processes supporting more verticals and industries. Remember core components would add vocabularies (DTDs, Schemas et al) and the BP would add business processes, specific to those industries. This is the extensible part of ebXML 4. In short, I do not see ebXML replacing RosettaNet PIPs, as the PIPs are mature business processes. But RN is limited to a few verticals and business processes. So ebXML has the opportunity to add more verticals and industries this co-existing with RN. Hope it helps. cheers |-----Original Message----- |From: Erik.J.Leckner@seagate.com [mailto:Erik.J.Leckner@seagate.com] |Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 1:55 PM |To: ebxml-bp@lists.ebxml.org |Subject: ebXML and RosettaNet |Importance: High | | | |Hi, | | |Could anyone please answer the following question? | |Will ebXML's components be a replacement for RosettaNet PIP documents |transferred in b2b |exchanges or will ebxml support RosettaNet PIPs, as is? I would like to |know whether or not |this will change as ebXML defines similar specifications for industries |such as disk-drive designers/manufacturers (computer hardware, etc.). | |Best Regards, |Erik J Leckner |Seagate Technology, LLC |San Jose, CA |Director, Technical Architecture & Standards | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------ |To unsubscribe from this elist send a message with the single word |"unsubscribe" in the body to: ebxml-bp-request@lists.ebxml.org |
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