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Subject: RE: Core Component Analysis - SWIFT's Comments

Hi Mary,
We have been discussing on the language matters in Japan, and we don't care 
the English is used as the TAG for XML.
The real problem for us in the non-English world is the language used in 
the model. We can draw the business process model in our language 
(Japanese), but it cannot be mapped in XML world automatically if the TAGs 
are defined in English.

Are there any ideas to solve the problem ?

At 04:28 01/01/24 -0800, Blantz, Mary Kay wrote:
>I haven't wanted to enter this discussion, Steve, but do want to let you
>know that the plan is to start with Oxford English.  People who
>require tags in other languages intend to develop Core Components (and
>tags) in those languages.  We expect French, German, Russian, and Japanese
>at the very least.  We may even have some people who want to use American!
>Mary Kay

Hisanao Sugamata
      ECOM: Electronic Commerce Promotion Council
      TEL: +81-5500-3668
      FAX: +81-5500-3660

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