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Subject: Re: What do people really expect from ebXML?
This discussion seems to have gone from "What do people expect" - which is about marketing, to "what do people want?" - which is about requirements. The authoritative answer to the latter is the ebXML Requirements Spec. Regarding the list of topics which Bob Haugen sent out in a recent message: * deliver full UML models from business process to basic components; * be compatible with X12 and EDIFACT; * deliver something simple right now that small businesses who cannot even afford PC's (now $600) can use. This comes closer to a requirements list than a marketing list, but still isn't completely correct for CCs or the rest of ebXML, either... I think what William is asking for is what some refer to as "the value proposition". Perhaps this discussion might yield what he is suggesting if the focus is put there. -- Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting www.rawlinsecconsulting.com
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