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Subject: ebXML Repository
Hi All! I am a student and I am working on my dissertation project at the moment. The scope of the project is to evaluate different technologies that are used to deploy B2B transaction scenarios. Mainly I am about to evaluate ebXML, Biztalk and UDDI. As my reading is progressing, more doubts have been cleared and of course I realise the complexity of the ebXML framework. As I have a short time to implement a piece of software, I decided to narrow the scope of my project in just analysing how an ebXML registry can be accessed by searching in the registry and retrieving the documents that are stored in the registry. Also I would like to implement and analise how UDDI can find ebXML reg/reps. From a USER Application point of view,(As far as I understand) I need to develop a program which might be developed in Java that uses certains APIs to discover or search enterprises in the registry, and if it is of my interest then I will retrieve the enterprises's documents. This is only from the point of view of accessing a repository. But then I ask myself on how to use UDDI to find an ebXML repository. This makes me believe that this feature needs to be implemented at the repository level as repository features, which might be very complex for the scope of my project. I would really appreciate If someone can tell me wheather I am on the right track or I am just talking nonsense. Also I have read that UDDI and ebXML can complement each other, but I don't understand how they can complement. Best Regards, Roberto. Roberto Avalos Salas Msc. Information Systems Engineering Department of Computation, UMIST. 68 Daisy Bank Road Victoria Park Manchester, England M145QP Ph: 0044 161 609 4298 Mobile: 0044 779 665 3640
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