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Subject: One potential XML mapping for ebXML Core Components

ebXML Community,
For one of our clients we developed XML Schemas for business documents based on the ebXML Core Components.  Of course, this required us to create a mapping of the Core Components Data Dictionary into a Core Components XML Schema.  With the encouragement of our client (who enthusiastically supports public standards efforts), we are contributing both "attribute rich" and "attribute free" variants of these Core Components XML Schemas for consideration by the ebXML and ebTWG community.
We are looking forward to suggestions for improvements, debate over style of mapping, comments on our embedded comments, etc.
Brian Handspicker
N.B.  To satisfy UN/CEFACT's goal of openness, Foliage agrees to remove any IPR
constraints or restrictions associated with this contribution.  Foliage offers this contribution for evaluation and standards development purposes only, with no implied or explicit warrantee.

Brian D. Handspicker
Engineering Director
Foliage Software Systems, Inc.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--W3C Schema generated by XML Spy v3.5 NT (http://www.xmlspy.com)-->
<!--Document: Proposed ebXML Core Components Schema -->
<!--Author: Brian D. Handspicker Organization: Foliage Software Systems -->
<!--Based on ebXML Core Components Technical Reports v1.04 dated 10 May 2001 
	available at http://www.ebxml.org/specs/index.htm, including:
		Context and Re-Usability of Core Components v1.04
		Guide to the Core Components Dictionary v1.04
		Naming Convention for Core Components v1.04
		Core Component Dictionary v1.04
		Core Component Structure v1.04
 	and "Datatyping for Electronic Data Interchange" by Martin Bryan -->
<schema targetNamespace="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
	<!-- Basic Representation Types as defined in ISO 11179 -->
	<simpleType name="Amount.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A number of monetary units specified in a currency where the unit of currency is explicit or implied.
		<restriction base="decimal">
			<fractionDigits value="2"/>
	<simpleType name="Code.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A character string (letters, figures or symbols) that for brevity and / or language independency 
				may be used to represent or replace a definitive value or text of an attribute. Codes usually are 
				maintained in code lists per attribute type (e.g. colour).
		<restriction base="string"/>
	<simpleType name="Date.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A day within a particular calendar year. Reference ISO 8601.
		<restriction base="date"/>
	<simpleType name="DateAndTime.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A particular point in the progression of time. Reference ISO 8601.
		<restriction base="time"/>
	<simpleType name="Identifier.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A character string used to identify and distinguish uniquely, one instance of an object within an 
				identification scheme from all other objects within the same scheme.
		<restriction base="string"/>
	<simpleType name="Indicator.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A list of two, and only two, values which indicate a condition such as on/off; 
				true/false etc. (synonym: 'boolean')
		<restriction base="boolean"/>
	<simpleType name="Measure.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A numeric value determined by measuring an object. Measures are specified with a unit of 
				measure. The applicable units of measure is taken from UN/ECE Rec. 20 'Codes for Units of Measures Used in 
				International Trade'.
		<restriction base="decimal">
			<minExclusive value="0"/>
	<simpleType name="Name.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person, place, thing or concept.
		<restriction base="string"/>
	<simpleType name="Percent.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A rate expressed in hundredths between two values that have the same unit of measure.
		<restriction base="decimal">
			<minExclusive value="0"/>
	<simpleType name="Quantity.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">A number of non-monetary units. It is associated with the indication of objects. 
			Quantities need to be specified with a unit of quantity. The applicable units of quantity are taken from UN/ECE Rec. 20 
			'Codes for Units of Measures Used in 
			International Trade'.</documentation>
		<restriction base="decimal">
			<minExclusive value="0"/>
	<simpleType name="Rate.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A quantity or amount measured with respect to another measured quantity or amount, or a fixed or 
				appropriate charge, cost or value e.g. US Dollars per hour, US Dollars per EURO, kilometre per litre, etc.
		<restriction base="decimal">
			<minExclusive value="0"/>
	<simpleType name="Text.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A character string generally in the form of words of a language.
		<restriction base="string"/>
	<simpleType name="Time.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The time within a (not specified) day. Reference ISO 8601.
		<restriction base="time"/>
	<!-- ebXML Core Components -->
	<complexType name="Party.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
					Details on an individual, a group or a body having a role in a business function.
			<element name="Party.Type.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							The characteristics of a party which is independent of its role.  
							This can be used to distinguish legal "persons" from natural ones.  
							Choice: Individual, Group, Company
			<element name="Party.Identification.Details" type="Party.Identification.Details" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en"/>
			<element name="Party.Title.Details" type="Party.Title.Details" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Position/rank of a person as related to a job or certification level. 
			<element name="Party.PostalAddress.Details" type="PostalAddress.Details" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The place where a person lives or an organisation is situated. Uses a national postal system.
			<element name="Party.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A method to find a party. The place or position in which a person or thing is.
			<element name="Party.Communication.Details" type="Communication.Details" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en"/>
			<element name="Party.Nationality.Details" type="Code.Details" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Code providing information on the nationality of a party.
						Nationality defined using ISO 3166 2 alpha country code
			<element name="Party.Description.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Text providing information on the party.
						This text may cover information which is in addition to the structured information but cannot be provided within the given structure.
						The information details about the party.  
			<element name="Party.Account.Details" type="Account.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						 Information on an account related to a party.
			<element name="Party.Language.Details" type="Language.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The language(s) that an individual or group speak.
			<element name="Party.Birth.DateAndTime" type="DateAndTime.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The date on which an individual was born.
						Applies only to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.OrganisationTaxIdentifier.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The registered national tax identification of a organisation.
						Does not apply to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.IndividualTaxIdentifier.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The registered national tax identification of an individual.
						Applies only to parties being natural persons.
						[Note: changed maxOccurs from "1" to "unbounded" to reflect multi-national individual tax ids as well as "less legal" situations.]
			<element name="Party.Incorporation.DateAndTime" type="DateAndTime.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The date on which an individual was born.
						Applies only to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.PaymentMethod.Details" type="PaymentMethod.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify agreed instructions related to the payment of charges under a contract for goods or services.
						[Changed "PaymentInstructions" to "PaymentMethod" to match intent of Data Dictionary.]				
			<element name="Party.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A party within another party (recursive aspect…such as a person within an organization or a division within an organization).
	<complexType name="Party.Identification.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The identification of a party by name and/or identifier.
			<element name="Party.Identifier.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A character string used to uniquely identify and distinguish a party.
						A character string that is a member of a set of values. E.g. Duns Number.
			<element name="Party.Name.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The text used to identify a party, the party's name.
						The entry shall be transaction neutral.
			<element name="Party.GivenName.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The given name is the first name, christian name or moniker of an individual.
						This applies only to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.MiddleName.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The middle name(s) or initial(s) of an individual. 
						This applies only to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.SurName.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The surname is the last name or family name of an individual.
						This applies only to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.Gender.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The gender of an individual.	
						This applies only to parties being natural persons
						ISO 5218:1997 Information Interchange-Representation of Human Sexes. 0- not known, 1-male, 2-female, 9-not specified
	<complexType name="Party.Title.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The title of an individual.	
				This applies only to parties being natural persons
				e.g. in EPA, title of a certifier
			<element name="Party.TitleIdentifier.Details" type="Identification.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The form of address or reference of an individual.
						This applies only to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.TitleType.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The type of title relating to an individual. 
						For example educational title, job title or name prefix.
						Name title (Mr., Mrs..), Job Title (Finance Director), Education Title (MBA,..)
	<complexType name="PostalAddress.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The collection of information which locates and identifies a specific address as defined by postal services
			<element name="PostalAddress.Environment.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The environment of the address.	For example business or personal, home or office.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Function.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The function of the address.	For example delivery or mailing.
			<element name="PostalAddress.StreetBuilding.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						 A number that identifies the position of a building on a street.
						A set of numbers or alphanumerics systematically assigned to a piece of residential in order to identify the location of it within a block.
						[Note: added "or alphanumerics" to support addresses such as "19a Cummings St.".]
			<element name="PostalAddress.StreetName.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The name of a street or thoroughfare.
			<element name="PostalAddress.DistrictName.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A  part of a town or region. A section of a city.
			<element name="PostalAddress.TownName.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A built up area with a name, defined boundaries and a local government. 
			<element name="PostalAddress.State.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An organised political community or area forming a part of a federation.
						Country sub-entity. E.g in the US a state
			<element name="PostalAddress.PostCode.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A group of letters and/or numbers which are added to a postal addres to assist the sorting of mail.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Country.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A nation with its own government.  Reference ISO 3166.
			<element name="PostalAddress.PostOfficeBox.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A numbered box in a post office assigned to a person or organisation where letters for them are kept until called for.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Building.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The  identification of a building within group of buildings.
						For example a building name or number on a campus or within a company.
			<element name="PostalAddress.BuildingName.Identifier" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The name of the building or house.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Suite.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The identification of a suite or apartment.
			<element name="PostalAddress.MailDeliverySubLocation.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A specific place to deliver mail within a predefined postal address.
						Mailstop is used to identify a specific place within a business.
						[Why not just call this "MailStop"?]
			<element name="PostalAddress.Floor.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A storey within a building.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Lot.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An identification of an allotment of land.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Block.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A group of buildings bounded by (usually four) streets.
			<element name="PostalAddress.DistrictSubDivision.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A sub-division of a district. May be provided in the form of a name.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Region.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An administrative division of a country, state, territory, or city.
			<element name="PostalAddress.County.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A territorial division of some countries, forming the chief unit of local administration.
						A sub-division of a state or province.  
						The largest local administrative division in most U.S. states.   (for US locations FIPS-55 county code)
						A territorial division and unit of local gov't in Great Britain and Canada. 
			<element name="PostalAddress.Lines.Details" type="PostalAddress.Lines.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Free text format of address
	<complexType name="PostalAddress.Lines.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Free text format of address
			<element name="PostalAddress.Line1.Text" type="Text.Type"/>
			<element name="PostalAddress.Line2.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0"/>
			<element name="PostalAddress.Line3.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0"/>
			<element name="PostalAddress.Line4.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0"/>
			<element name="PostalAddress.Line5.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0"/>
	<complexType name="Communication.Details">
			<element name="Communication.Number.Details" type="Communication.Number.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
			<element name="Contact.Party.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A name associated with the communication point.
	<complexType name="Communication.Number.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The information for one communication number or virtual address.
			<element name="Communication.Environment.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The environment of the communication point.	For example home or business.
			<element name="Communication.Mode.Details" type="Identification.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The way or manner in which the communication is made.
						e.g. Telephone, Fax, Tele/Fax, Email, Website, Cell, EAN Location Number
						[The Data Dictionary Catalog indicates that Communication.Mode.Details is the only element in Communication.Details
						that is required (1..1), while the Communication.Identifier that provides the actual number/address/etc. is optional (0..*).
						Is this a specification bug?  Should Mode be made option (0..1) with Identifier required (1..*)?]
			<element name="Communication.ModeSecurity.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The security protocal of the communication mode.  e.g. Protocol - secure, encrypted 
			<element name="Communication.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The number or virtual address of communication, e.g. phone number, email address, …
			<element name="Communication.Availability.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The part of the day or week that the party is reachable by the communication means.
						For example evening or daytime.
						The period that the communication means is available, e.g., evening, daytime
			<element name="Communication.TelephoneCountryCode.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The telephone identifier for a country.
						Reference International Telecomunications Union (ITU) E.164. 
						Telephone country code pre-fix
			<element name="Communication.TelephoneAreaCode.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The telephone identifier for a geographical area within a country.  
						Telephone area code
			<element name="Communication.TelephoneSubscriber.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The telephone identifier for a subscriber within a geographical area. 
						Telephone local number
			<element name="Communication.TelephoneExtension.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A subsidiary telephone with it's own additional number as an extension of a subscriber identifier.. 
						Telephone extension numbe
	<complexType name="Location.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A particular geographical place or position. 
			<element name="Location.Identification.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The indentifier of a location, e.g. Location Code, GPS, …
			<element name="Location.Type.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An identification of the type of location, 	e.g. Travel - Train Station, Airport or gov't - district
			<element name="Location.Description.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A free text description of the location
			<element name="Location.SequencePosition.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The position within a sequence of locations.
						The sequence of different locations where date/time are not present.
			<element name="Location.AvailableDate.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The date and time that the location is available. 
						Alternatively, the date and time where the goods or the risk object are available at the specific location .
			<element name="Location.GeographicArea.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A geographical region code
			<element name="Location.SubLocation.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						For the specification of sub location details
						Changed name from "Location.Description" to "Location.SubLocation" to solve Schema/DTD duplicate element problem
	<complexType name="DateAndTime.Details">
			<element name="Date.Details" type="Date.Details"/>
			<element name="Time.Details" type="Time.Details"/>
	<complexType name="Date.Details">
			<extension base="Date.Type">
				<attribute name="Date.Format.Text" type="Text.Type">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							ebXML expects the value "ISO 8601 Date and Time Format"
	<complexType name="Time.Details">
			<extension base="Time.Type">
				<attribute name="Time.Format.Text" type="Text.Type">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							ebXML expects the value "ISO 8601 Date and Time Format"
				<attribute name="Timezone.Offset.Count" type="decimal">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Time zone offsets are usually integer values.  However, there are a few odd cases of 
							"integer plus a half" offsets around the world.  We might want to reconsider whether this
							is truly a "Count" type.
				<attribute name="Date.Adjustment.Count" type="integer">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Travel - Adjustment to the date. It is usually plus or minus one day.
	<complexType name="Language.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Language code is expected to be as per ISO 639-1988, http://lcweb.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/iso639jac.html
				[However, since XML 1.0 also supports a list, the better part of valor may be to explicitly support code list and agency
				This could be defined using the Identifier.Details datatype, but then we are back to specifying language as a sequence]
			<extension base="Code.Type">
				<attribute name="Language.CodeList.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type"/>
				<attribute name="Language.CodeList.Agency" type="Identifier.Type"/>
				<attribute name="Lanquage.Usage" type="Code.Type">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Spoken, written, normally used, etc.
				<attribute name="Language.UsageCodeList.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type"/>
				<attribute name="Language.UsageCodeList.Agency" type="Identifier.Type"/>
	<complexType name="Account.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A service through a bank or other organisation through which funds are 
				held on behalf of a client or goods or services are supplied on credit. 	
				Can also be used for non-monetary accounts such as point schemes.
				Details necessary to identify an account at a financial institution. 
			<element name="Account.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The identification number of the account. (the account number)
			<element name="Account.Name.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Full name of an account which identifies the ownership of the account
			<element name="Account.Servicer.Details" type="Party.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Information about the organisation at which the account is held
			<element name="Account.Country.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The country in which the account is held.	
						In some cases, may be different from the country of the account servicer.
			<element name="Account.Currency.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The system of money in general use in a particular country.
						The default currency of the account
			<element name="Account.Owner.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The entity which is the owner of the account.
						The account owner
			<element name="Account.ExpiryDate.Details" type="Date.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The expiration date when the account is a credit card.
						[Was "payment card expiry date".  Do other types of accounts also have expiration dates - either explicit, or implicit by internal policy?]
			<element name="Account.ProductType.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The type of account product.
						Used to specify the type of account. (e.g. Savings Plus, Danska Plus etc.)
			<element name="Account.Nickname.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Familiar or humourous name given to an account as well as the account name. 
						(e.g Christmas savings account, Car account) 
						A name associated with the account which is different from the Account Name 
			<element name="Account.Interest.Details" type="Interest.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Information relating to payment for the use of money or credit, expressed as a percentage of the
						amount owed or used, and depending also on the duration of the debt.
			<element name="Account.Charge.Details" type="Charge.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The set of information related to a charge, which may be a sum of different charges.
	<complexType name="Identification.Details">
			<element name="Code.Details" type="Code.Details" minOccurs="0"/>
			<element name="Text.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	<complexType name="Code.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				[Changed to allow simpleContent for code with attributes specifying code list identifier and code list agency, ala Language.Details.
				Defining Code.Details as simpleContent simplifies the majority of documents without losing the intended potential multiple code list support.]
			<extension base="Code.Type">
				<attribute name="Code.CodeList.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type"/>
				<attribute name="Code.CodeList.Agency" type="Identifier.Type"/>
	<complexType name="Text.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				[Changed to allow simpleContent representation of text with attributes specifying language information, ala Language.Details.
				Originally I defined this as a sequence of Text.Type and Language.Details.  However, since many documents will simply be
				passing text without explicitly specifying language, defining Text.Details as simpleContent simplifies the majority of documents
				without losing the intended multi-lingual support.]
			<extension base="Text.Type">
				<attribute name="Language.CodeList.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type"/>
				<attribute name="Language.CodeList.Agency" type="Identifier.Type"/>
				<attribute name="Language.Code" type="Code.Type"/>
	<complexType name="CurrencyConversion.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Details needed or used to make a conversion of an amount from one currency to another.
			<element name="Conversion.SourceCurrency.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Source Currency Code: Code identifying the currency from which the conversion is being made 
						according to ISO 4217 (Travel Note: the source or target currency may be implied or assumed)	
			<element name="Conversion.TargetCurrency.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Target Currency Code: Code identifying the currency to which the conversion is being made 
						according to ISO 4217 (Travel Note: the source or target currency may be implied or assumed)	
			<element name="Conversion.Source.Rate" type="Rate.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Source Rate Base: Identification of the currency which is on the 'one unit' side of a rate of exchange.
						Note however, that this may be expressed as 1, 10, 100 or 1000 depending on the scale for the monetary unit. 											</documentation>
			<element name="Conversion.Target.Rate" type="Rate.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Target Rate Base: Identification of the currency which is on the 'two unit' side of a rate of exchange.
						Note however, that this may be expressed as 1, 10, 100 or 1000 depending on the scale for the monetary unit. 											</documentation>
			<element name="Conversion.Reference.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Reference:	In Finance - the exchange rate contract
			<element name="Conversion.Exchange.Rate" type="Rate.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Conversion rate / Exchange rate 
			<element name="Conversion.DateAndTime" type="DateAndTime.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						[Changed from "DateTime" to "DateAndTime" to match intent of naming conventions (i.e. avoid the akward construct "Conversion.DateTime.DateAndTime")]
						DateTime: A date associated with the conversion. (e.g. the date of exchange rate or date of exchange)
	<complexType name="Amount.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Details of a monetary amount for an allowance or charge or an extended monetary amount for a line item.
				[This could have been reduced to a simpleContent representation (e.g. <Amount.Details Amount.Currency.Code="USD">50,000</Amount.Details>) 
				if not for the fact that CurrencyConversion.Details is a complexType and cannot be represented as an attribute.]
			<element name="Amount.Value.Amount" type="Amount.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Value: The amount
						[Akward name given the naming conventions, eh?]
			<element name="Amount.Conversion.Details" type="CurrencyConversion.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Currency conversion: Details needed to convert an amount from one currency to another
		<attribute name="Amount.Purpose.Code" type="Code.Type">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					Amount.Purpose: Finance - invoice, payment Travel - deposit, guarantee  (captures the area that the amount is used in 
					e.g Invoice Summary) Mat. Mgt - how it relates, line item, document, vat, etc.
		<attribute name="Amount.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					Type code:	Travel  - ticket amount, fare amount, pre-paid; Mat. Mgt - credit, debit, due, paid; Gov't - tax basis amount
		<attribute name="Amount.Status.Code" type="Code.Type">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					Status code: Finance - Indicates the progress through processing that the Amount has reached. eg Pending, Booked
		<attribute name="Amount.Specification.Code" type="Code.Type">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					Specification: Finance - Indicates a significant feature in the way in which the amount was derived (e.g. rounded)
		<attribute name="Amount.Currency.Code" type="Code.Type">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					Currency code: The currency of the amount value
			<!--Currency enumeration should be extended for all currencies in ISO 4217-->
		<attribute name="Amount.DateTime" type="DateAndTime.Type">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					Date/Time: A date associated with an amount. (e.g. the date on which the balance was struck.)
	<complexType name="Product.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A description of a product or service 
			<element name="Product.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An identification of a product or service, i.e., flight number, part number, hotel property identifier, train number.
			<element name="Product.Description.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A description of the product.
			<element name="Product.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the type of product or service 
			<element name="Product.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The arrival/departure locations of a flight or a train.
			<element name="Product.DateAndTime.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Flight departure date, hotel chk-in/out dates, rental car pickup/dropoff dates.
			<element name="Product.Supplier.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Supplier of the product or service.
			<element name="Product.Class.Details" type="Goods.Classification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							A class of service, room type, vehicle type
			<element name="Product.UnitType.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Same part number could be for a coil or cut length of a product.
			<element name="Product.Reference" type="Reference.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							A link to a contract nbr, customer order nbr, p.o. nbr, etc.
	<complexType name="Reference.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Reference to another entity.
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An identification of another entity, e.g. contract number, service level agreement id, etc.
			<extension base="Identifier.Type">
				<attribute name="Reference.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Hotel confirmation, buyers reference, VAT number
				<attribute name="Reference.PartyName.Code" type="Code.Type">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Used in Travel to identify the owner of a travel scheme.
				<attribute name="Reference.DateAndTime" type="DateAndTime.Type">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Used in Finance to state Issue Date.
	<complexType name="Document.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Information about a document 
			<element name="Document.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An identification of the document, e.g. contract number, service level agreement id, etc.
			<element name="Document.DateAndTime" type="DateAndTime.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Example, a Issue Date, Revision Date
			<element name="Document.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Travel uses location Identifier and Purpose Code. Eg. A passport was issued at a location, a visa is for a given location
			<element name="Document.Party.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Travel uses name and nationality to identify a passport holder.
			<element name="Document.Reference.Details" type="Reference.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Reference to a previous Report (EPA). Receiving advice control number or ASN number.
			<element name="Document.Language.Details" type="Language.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							To specify language of document
			<element name="Document.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							To specify number of originals and number of copies
			<element name="Document.CommunicationsMode.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify means by which document is communicated
		<attribute name="Document.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					An identification of a product or service, i.e., flight number, part number, hotel property identifier, train number.
		<attribute name="Document.Subtype.Code" type="Code.Type">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					Example: Travel Type Code is passport, Sub-type code is diplomat, .
		<attribute name="Document.ReleaseNumber.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					Document version number.
		<attribute name="Document.UsageComment.Text" type="Text.Type">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					Usage comments. For monitoring water discharge.
		<attribute name="Document.Purpose.Code" type="Code.Type">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					Example in Mat Mgmt Purpose of original document
		<attribute name="Document.IdentifierScheme.Code" type="Code.Type">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					The identifier scheme used in the creation of the identifier of the document
		<attribute name="Document.Status.Code" type="Code.Type">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					To specify the status of document
	<complexType name="Quantity.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A total of something in number, size or extent.
				[simpleContent representation allows <Quantity.Details Quantity.UnitofMeasure.Code="PTS">4</Quantity.Details>]
			<extension base="Quantity.Type">
				<attribute name="Quantity.Purpose.Code" type="Code.Type">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							The purpose of the quantity
				<attribute name="Quantity.UnitType.Code" type="Code.Type">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							The type of unit related to the quantity.
				<attribute name="Quantity.UnitOfMeasure.Code" type="Code.Type">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Code specifies unit of measurement
	<complexType name="Tax.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The set of information about a tax which is levied.
			<element name="Tax.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Indicates the nature of the tax (e.g. Value Added Tax VAT)
			<element name="Tax.Amount" type="Amount.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The amount of tax.
			<element name="Tax.Taxable.Amount" type="Amount.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The amount on which tax is due/payable.
			<element name="Tax.Category.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The tax category into which a particular taxable item comes.
			<element name="Tax.Rate.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						 Indication of the rate at which the tax is charged by a name such as 'standard rate' 
			<element name="Tax.Rate.Details" type="Percentage.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The percentage rate at which the tax is levied.
			<element name="Tax.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The location imposing the tax.
			<element name="Tax.Party.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Identifies the national tax authority
	<complexType name="Goods.Classification.Details">
			<element name="Goods.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Classes of service, room types, vehicle types
			<element name="Goods.SubType.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Class of service modifier
			<element name="Goods.Status.Details" type="Status.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Available, full
			<element name="Goods.Quantity" type="Quantity.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Number of items available
	<complexType name="PaymentMethod.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Details about the nature and environment in which a payment or transfer occurs..
			<element name="PaymentMethod.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The type of payment
			<element name="PaymentMethod.Method.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The method used for payment. The means of origination of a payment 
						(e.g. check, direct deposit)
						[Changed name of element from "Form of Payment Method Code" to "Method" KISS]
			<element name="PaymentMethod.DeliveryMethod.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The means of delivery of a payment to the beneficiay (e.g. check, direct deposit, etc.)
						[Changed name of element from "Form of Dellivery of Payment Code" to "DeliveryMethod" KISS]
			<element name="PaymentMethod.Channel.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The channel or medium used for payment.
			<element name="PaymentMethod.Role.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						 Paid before due date, discontinued
			<element name="PaymentMethod.BusinessFunction.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The underlying business reason for a transaction
			<element name="PaymentMethod.CleanOrDocumentary.Indicator" type="Indicator.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Indicates whether a payment is clean or documentary. 
							Clean payments are unconditional payments are not dependent 
							on the presentation of any trade documentation. 
							Documentary payments are conditional on the presentation of 
							compliant trade documents to the appropriate bank.
			<element name="PaymentMethod.RegulatoryReportRequired.Indicator" type="Indicator.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Some countries require regulatory reporting on cross-border transactions. 
							This is an indication of whether regulatory reporting is required for this payment.
			<element name="PaymentMethod.GeographicArea.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The geographic area within which a financial payment occurs as determined by 
						the national regulations in the country of the originator. It distinguishes between 
						national, European and international areas
			<element name="PaymentMethod.Guarantee.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Indicates the kind of guarantee covering the payment
			<element name="PaymentMethod.Account.Details" type="Account.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Credit card information when FOP is credit card.
	<complexType name="Allowance.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Pieces or weight
			<extension base="Quantity.Type">
				<attribute name="Allowance.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Baggage allowance in pieces or weight
	<complexType name="Charge.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The set of information related to a charge, which may be a sum of different charges.
			<element name="Charge.Reason.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The reason a charge is made (e.g. ….)
			<element name="Charge.Rate" type="Rate.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The rate of charge applied to the charge basis amount to find the charge amount.
			<element name="Charge.SettlementResponsibility.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Indicates the party responsible for settling the charge.
			<element name="Charge.Amount.Details" type="Amount.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The amount of the charge
			<element name="Charge.BasisAmount.Details" type="Amount.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The amount on which the charge is based
			<element name="Charge.Account.Details" type="Account.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Details of the account to be charged.
			<element name="Charge.Tax.Details" type="Tax.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Tax on the charge amount
			<element name="Charge.Charge.Details" type="Amount.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Allows a list of charges of which this is a sum.
			<element name="Charge.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							The quantity on which the charge is based.
			<element name="Charge.PaymentArrangements.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Code specifying the arrangements for a payment
			<element name="Charge.Percentage.Details" type="Percentage.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify percentages related to a charge or charge allowance
			<element name="Charge.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify locations related to the payment of the charge
			<element name="Charge.Information.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify free form supplementary information
	<complexType name="Status.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
						e.g. Wait listed, confirmed
			<extension base="Code.Type">
				<attribute name="Status.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							e.g. Booking Code, Availability
	<complexType name="Percentage.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A rate expressed in hundreth between to values which have the same unit of measure
						Actual percentage
			<extension base="Percent.Type">
				<attribute name="Percentage.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							A code expressing the context for which a percentage is used
							Type of percentage
				<attribute name="Percentage.Description.Text" type="Text.Type">
						<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Description of the percentage
	<complexType name="Interest.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Information relating to payment for the use of money or credit, expressed as a percentage 
				of the amount owed or used, and depending also on the duration of the debt.
			<element name="Interest.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The type of interest for example Overdrawn Interest Rate, Basic Interest, etc.
			<element name="Interest.Percentage.Percent" type="Percent.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						[Once again I plead "naming conventions made me do it"]
						The rate of interest.
			<element name="Interest.Duration.Details" type="Duration.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Measurement of a period of time.
			<element name="Interest.Range.Details" type="Range.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A range between two amounts
			<element name="Interest.Account.Details" type="Account.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The account to which interest will be paid if different from the account on which the interest is calculated.
	<complexType name="Duration.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Measurement of a period of time.
			<element name="Duration.DateAndTime" type="DateAndTime.Type" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Start and end date/time
			<element name="Duration.Quantity.DateAndTime" type="DateAndTime.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Units of time
	<complexType name="Range.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Amount range is used for specifiying a band of amounts for which an interest rate or charge applies.
			<element name="Range.Purpose.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						e.g. range for a rate of interest 
			<element name="Range.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						e.g. amount range, temperature range
			<element name="Range.Amount.Details" type="Amount.Details" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="2">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Used to specify the minimum and maximum included amounts within the range.
			<element name="Range.MeasurementUnit.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the unit of measurement from UN/ECE 20.
			<element name="Range.Range.Details" type="Range.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify ranges within ranges.
			<element name="Range.Currency.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The currrency of a monetary amount range.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--W3C Schema generated by XML Spy v3.5 NT (http://www.xmlspy.com)-->
<!--Document: Proposed ebXML Core Components Schema -->
<!--Author: Brian D. Handspicker Organization: Foliage Software Systems -->
<!--Based on ebXML Core Components Technical Reports and "Datatyping for Electronic Data Interchange" by Martin Bryan -->
<schema targetNamespace="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
	<!-- Basic Representation Types as defined in ISO 11179 -->
	<simpleType name="Amount.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A number of monetary units specified in a currency where the unit of currency is explicit or implied.
		<restriction base="decimal">
			<fractionDigits value="2"/>
	<simpleType name="Code.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A character string (letters, figures or symbols) that for brevity and / or language independency 
				may be used to represent or replace a definitive value or text of an attribute. Codes usually are 
				maintained in code lists per attribute type (e.g. colour).
		<restriction base="string"/>
	<simpleType name="Date.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A day within a particular calendar year. Reference ISO 8601.
		<restriction base="date"/>
	<simpleType name="DateAndTime.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A particular point in the progression of time. Reference ISO 8601.
		<restriction base="time"/>
	<simpleType name="Identifier.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A character string used to identify and distinguish uniquely, one instance of an object within an 
				identification scheme from all other objects within the same scheme.
		<restriction base="string"/>
	<simpleType name="Indicator.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A list of two, and only two, values which indicate a condition such as on/off; 
				true/false etc. (synonym: 'boolean')
		<restriction base="boolean"/>
	<simpleType name="Measure.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A numeric value determined by measuring an object. Measures are specified with a unit of 
				measure. The applicable units of measure is taken from UN/ECE Rec. 20 'Codes for Units of Measures Used in 
				International Trade'.
		<restriction base="decimal">
			<minExclusive value="0"/>
	<simpleType name="Name.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person, place, thing or concept.
		<restriction base="string"/>
	<simpleType name="Percent.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A rate expressed in hundredths between two values that have the same unit of measure.
		<restriction base="decimal">
			<minExclusive value="0"/>
	<simpleType name="Quantity.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">A number of non-monetary units. It is associated with the indication of objects. 
			Quantities need to be specified with a unit of quantity. The applicable units of quantity are taken from UN/ECE Rec. 20 
			'Codes for Units of Measures Used in 
			International Trade'.</documentation>
		<restriction base="decimal">
			<minExclusive value="0"/>
	<simpleType name="Rate.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A quantity or amount measured with respect to another measured quantity or amount, or a fixed or 
				appropriate charge, cost or value e.g. US Dollars per hour, US Dollars per EURO, kilometre per litre, etc.
		<restriction base="decimal">
			<minExclusive value="0"/>
	<simpleType name="Text.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A character string generally in the form of words of a language.
		<restriction base="string"/>
	<simpleType name="Time.Type">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The time within a (not specified) day. Reference ISO 8601.
		<restriction base="time"/>
	<!-- ebXML Core Components -->
	<complexType name="Party.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
					Details on an individual, a group or a body having a role in a business function.
			<element name="Party.Type.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							The characteristics of a party which is independent of its role.  
							This can be used to distinguish legal "persons" from natural ones.  
							Choice: Individual, Group, Company
			<element name="Party.Identification.Details" type="Party.Identification.Details" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en"/>
			<element name="Party.Title.Details" type="Party.Title.Details" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Position/rank of a person as related to a job or certification level. 
			<element name="Party.PostalAddress.Details" type="PostalAddress.Details" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The place where a person lives or an organisation is situated. Uses a national postal system.
			<element name="Party.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A method to find a party. The place or position in which a person or thing is.
			<element name="Party.Communication.Details" type="Communication.Details" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en"/>
			<element name="Party.Nationality.Details" type="Code.Details" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Code providing information on the nationality of a party.
						Nationality defined using ISO 3166 2 alpha country code
			<element name="Party.Description.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Text providing information on the party.
						This text may cover information which is in addition to the structured information but cannot be provided within the given structure.
						The information details about the party.  
			<element name="Party.Account.Details" type="Account.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						 Information on an account related to a party.
			<element name="Party.Language.Details" type="Language.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The language(s) that an individual or group speak.
			<element name="Party.Birth.DateAndTime" type="DateAndTime.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The date on which an individual was born.
						Applies only to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.OrganisationTaxIdentifier.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The registered national tax identification of a organisation.
						Does not apply to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.IndividualTaxIdentifier.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The registered national tax identification of an individual.
						Applies only to parties being natural persons.
						[Note: changed maxOccurs from "1" to "unbounded" to reflect multi-national individual tax ids as well as "less legal" situations.]
			<element name="Party.Incorporation.DateAndTime" type="DateAndTime.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The date on which an individual was born.
						Applies only to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.PaymentMethod.Details" type="PaymentMethod.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify agreed instructions related to the payment of charges under a contract for goods or services.
						[Changed "PaymentInstructions" to "PaymentMethod" to match intent of Data Dictionary.]				
			<element name="Party.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A party within another party (recursive aspect…such as a person within an organization or a division within an organization).
	<complexType name="Party.Identification.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The identification of a party by name and/or identifier.
			<element name="Party.Identifier.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A character string used to uniquely identify and distinguish a party.
						A character string that is a member of a set of values. E.g. Duns Number.
			<element name="Party.Name.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The text used to identify a party, the party's name.
						The entry shall be transaction neutral.
			<element name="Party.GivenName.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The given name is the first name, christian name or moniker of an individual.
						This applies only to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.MiddleName.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The middle name(s) or initial(s) of an individual. 
						This applies only to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.SurName.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The surname is the last name or family name of an individual.
						This applies only to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.Gender.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The gender of an individual.	
						This applies only to parties being natural persons
						ISO 5218:1997 Information Interchange-Representation of Human Sexes. 0- not known, 1-male, 2-female, 9-not specified
	<complexType name="Party.Title.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The title of an individual.	
				This applies only to parties being natural persons
				e.g. in EPA, title of a certifier
			<element name="Party.TitleIdentifier.Details" type="Identification.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The form of address or reference of an individual.
						This applies only to parties being natural persons.
			<element name="Party.TitleType.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The type of title relating to an individual. 
						For example educational title, job title or name prefix.
						Name title (Mr., Mrs..), Job Title (Finance Director), Education Title (MBA,..)
	<complexType name="PostalAddress.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The collection of information which locates and identifies a specific address as defined by postal services
			<element name="PostalAddress.Environment.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The environment of the address.	For example business or personal, home or office.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Function.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The function of the address.	For example delivery or mailing.
			<element name="PostalAddress.StreetBuilding.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						 A number that identifies the position of a building on a street.
						A set of numbers or alphanumerics systematically assigned to a piece of residential in order to identify the location of it within a block.
						[Note: added "or alphanumerics" to support addresses such as "19a Cummings St.".]
			<element name="PostalAddress.StreetName.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The name of a street or thoroughfare.
			<element name="PostalAddress.DistrictName.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A  part of a town or region. A section of a city.
			<element name="PostalAddress.TownName.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A built up area with a name, defined boundaries and a local government. 
			<element name="PostalAddress.State.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An organised political community or area forming a part of a federation.
						Country sub-entity. E.g in the US a state
			<element name="PostalAddress.PostCode.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A group of letters and/or numbers which are added to a postal addres to assist the sorting of mail.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Country.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A nation with its own government.  Reference ISO 3166.
			<element name="PostalAddress.PostOfficeBox.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A numbered box in a post office assigned to a person or organisation where letters for them are kept until called for.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Building.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The  identification of a building within group of buildings.
						For example a building name or number on a campus or within a company.
			<element name="PostalAddress.BuildingName.Identifier" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The name of the building or house.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Suite.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The identification of a suite or apartment.
			<element name="PostalAddress.MailDeliverySubLocation.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A specific place to deliver mail within a predefined postal address.
						Mailstop is used to identify a specific place within a business.
						[Why not just call this "MailStop"?]
			<element name="PostalAddress.Floor.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A storey within a building.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Lot.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An identification of an allotment of land.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Block.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A group of buildings bounded by (usually four) streets.
			<element name="PostalAddress.DistrictSubDivision.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A sub-division of a district. May be provided in the form of a name.
			<element name="PostalAddress.Region.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An administrative division of a country, state, territory, or city.
			<element name="PostalAddress.County.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A territorial division of some countries, forming the chief unit of local administration.
						A sub-division of a state or province.  
						The largest local administrative division in most U.S. states.   (for US locations FIPS-55 county code)
						A territorial division and unit of local gov't in Great Britain and Canada. 
			<element name="PostalAddress.Lines.Details" type="PostalAddress.Lines.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Free text format of address
	<complexType name="PostalAddress.Lines.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Free text format of address
			<element name="PostalAddress.Line1.Text" type="Text.Type"/>
			<element name="PostalAddress.Line2.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0"/>
			<element name="PostalAddress.Line3.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0"/>
			<element name="PostalAddress.Line4.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0"/>
			<element name="PostalAddress.Line5.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0"/>
	<complexType name="Communication.Details">
			<element name="Communication.Number.Details" type="Communication.Number.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
			<element name="Contact.Party.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A name associated with the communication point.
	<complexType name="Communication.Number.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The information for one communication number or virtual address.
			<element name="Communication.Environment.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The environment of the communication point.	For example home or business.
			<element name="Communication.Mode.Details" type="Identification.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The way or manner in which the communication is made.
						e.g. Telephone, Fax, Tele/Fax, Email, Website, Cell, EAN Location Number
			<element name="Communication.ModeSecurity.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The security protocal of the communication mode.  e.g. Protocol - secure, encrypted 
			<element name="Communication.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The number or virtual address of communication, e.g. phone number, email address, …
			<element name="Communication.Availability.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The part of the day or week that the party is reachable by the communication means.
						For example evening or daytime.
						The period that the communication means is available, e.g., evening, daytime
			<element name="Communication.TelephoneCountryCode.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The telephone identifier for a country.
						Reference International Telecomunications Union (ITU) E.164. 
						Telephone country code pre-fix
			<element name="Communication.TelephoneAreaCode.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The telephone identifier for a geographical area within a country.  
						Telephone area code
			<element name="Communication.TelephoneSubscriber.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The telephone identifier for a subscriber within a geographical area. 
						Telephone local number
			<element name="Communication.TelephoneExtension.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A subsidiary telephone with it's own additional number as an extension of a subscriber identifier.. 
						Telephone extension numbe
	<complexType name="Location.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A particular geographical place or position. 
			<element name="Location.Identification.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The indentifier of a location, e.g. Location Code, GPS, …
			<element name="Location.Type.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An identification of the type of location, 	e.g. Travel - Train Station, Airport or gov't - district
			<element name="Location.Description.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A free text description of the location
			<element name="Location.SequencePosition.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The position within a sequence of locations.
						The sequence of different locations where date/time are not present.
			<element name="Location.AvailableDate.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The date and time that the location is available. 
						Alternatively, the date and time where the goods or the risk object are available at the specific location .
			<element name="Location.GeographicArea.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A geographical region code
			<element name="Location.SubLocation.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						For the specification of sub location details
						Changed name from "Location.Description" to "Location.SubLocation" to solve Schema/DTD duplicate element problem
	<complexType name="DateAndTime.Details">
			<element name="Date.Details" type="Date.Details"/>
			<element name="Time.Details" type="Time.Details"/>
	<complexType name="Date.Details">
			<element name="Date.Type" type="Date.Type"/>
			<element name="Date.Format.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						ebXML expects the value "ISO 8601 Date and Time Format"
	<complexType name="Time.Details">
			<element name="Time.Type" type="Time.Type"/>
			<element name="Time.Format.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							ebXML expects the value "ISO 8601 Date and Time Format"
			<element name="Timezone.Offset.Count" type="decimal">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Time zone offsets are usually integer values.  However, there are a few odd cases of 
							"integer plus a half" offsets around the world.  We might want to reconsider whether this
							is truly a "Count" type.
			<element name="Date.Adjustment.Count" type="integer">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Travel - Adjustment to the date. It is usually plus or minus one day.
	<complexType name="Language.Details">
			<element name="Lanquage" type="Identification.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						as per ISO 639-1988, http://lcweb.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/iso639jac.html
			<element name="Lanquage.Usage" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Spoken, written, normally used, etc.
	<complexType name="Account.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A service through a bank or other organisation through which funds are 
				held on behalf of a client or goods or services are supplied on credit. 	
				Can also be used for non-monetary accounts such as point schemes.
				Details necessary to identify an account at a financial institution. 
			<element name="Account.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The identification number of the account. (the account number)
			<element name="Account.Name.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Full name of an account which identifies the ownership of the account
			<element name="Account.Servicer.Details" type="Party.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Information about the organisation at which the account is held
			<element name="Account.Country.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The country in which the account is held.	
						In some cases, may be different from the country of the account servicer.
			<element name="Account.Currency.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The system of money in general use in a particular country.
						The default currency of the account
			<element name="Account.Owner.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The entity which is the owner of the account.
						The account owner
			<element name="Account.ExpiryDate.Details" type="Date.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The expiration date when the account is a credit card.
						[Was "payment card expiry date".  Do other types of accounts also have expiration dates - either explicit, or implicit by internal policy?]
			<element name="Account.ProductType.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The type of account product.
						Used to specify the type of account. (e.g. Savings Plus, Danska Plus etc.)
			<element name="Account.Nickname.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Familiar or humourous name given to an account as well as the account name. 
						(e.g Christmas savings account, Car account) 
						A name associated with the account which is different from the Account Name 
			<element name="Account.Interest.Details" type="Interest.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Information relating to payment for the use of money or credit, expressed as a percentage of the
						amount owed or used, and depending also on the duration of the debt.
			<element name="Account.Charge.Details" type="Charge.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The set of information related to a charge, which may be a sum of different charges.
	<complexType name="Identification.Details">
			<element name="Code.Details" type="Code.Details" minOccurs="0"/>
			<element name="Text.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	<complexType name="Code.Details">
			<element name="Code" type="Code.Type"/>
			<element name="Code.List.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0"/>
			<element name="Code.List.Agency" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0"/>
	<complexType name="Text.Details">
			<element name="Text" type="Text.Type"/>
			<element name="Language" type="Language.Details" minOccurs="0"/>
	<complexType name="CurrencyConversion.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Details needed or used to make a conversion of an amount from one currency to another.
			<element name="Conversion.SourceCurrency.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Source Currency Code: Code identifying the currency from which the conversion is being made 
						according to ISO 4217 (Travel Note: the source or target currency may be implied or assumed)	
			<element name="Conversion.TargetCurrency.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Target Currency Code: Code identifying the currency to which the conversion is being made 
						according to ISO 4217 (Travel Note: the source or target currency may be implied or assumed)	
			<element name="Conversion.Source.Rate" type="Rate.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Source Rate Base: Identification of the currency which is on the 'one unit' side of a rate of exchange.
						Note however, that this may be expressed as 1, 10, 100 or 1000 depending on the scale for the monetary unit. 											</documentation>
			<element name="Conversion.Target.Rate" type="Rate.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Target Rate Base: Identification of the currency which is on the 'two unit' side of a rate of exchange.
						Note however, that this may be expressed as 1, 10, 100 or 1000 depending on the scale for the monetary unit. 											</documentation>
			<element name="Conversion.Reference.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Reference:	In Finance - the exchange rate contract
			<element name="Conversion.Exchange.Rate" type="Rate.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Conversion rate / Exchange rate 
			<element name="Conversion.DateAndTime" type="DateAndTime.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						[Changed from "DateTime" to "DateAndTime" to match intent of naming conventions (i.e. avoid the akward construct "Conversion.DateTime.DateAndTime")]
						DateTime: A date associated with the conversion. (e.g. the date of exchange rate or date of exchange)
	<complexType name="Amount.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Details of a monetary amount for an allowance or charge or an extended monetary amount for a line item.
			<element name="Amount.Purpose.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Amount.Purpose: Finance - invoice, payment Travel - deposit, guarantee  (captures the area that the amount is used in 
						e.g Invoice Summary) Mat. Mgt - how it relates, line item, document, vat, etc.
			<element name="Amount.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Type code:	Travel  - ticket amount, fare amount, pre-paid; Mat. Mgt - credit, debit, due, paid; Gov't - tax basis amount
			<element name="Amount.Status.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Status code: Finance - Indicates the progress through processing that the Amount has reached. eg Pending, Booked
			<element name="Amount.Value.Amount" type="Amount.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Value: The amount
						[Akward name given the naming conventions, eh?]
			<element name="Amount.Specification.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Specification: Finance - Indicates a significant feature in the way in which the amount was derived (e.g. rounded)
			<element name="Amount.Currency.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Currency code: The currency of the amount value
				<!--Currency enumeration should be extended for all currencies in ISO 4217-->
			<element name="Amount.Conversion.Details" type="CurrencyConversion.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Currency conversion: Details needed to convert an amount from one currency to another
			<element name="Amount.DateTime" type="DateAndTime.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Date/Time: A date associated with an amount. (e.g. the date on which the balance was struck.)
	<complexType name="Product.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A description of a product or service 
			<element name="Product.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An identification of a product or service, i.e., flight number, part number, hotel property identifier, train number.
			<element name="Product.Description.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A description of the product.
			<element name="Product.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the type of product or service 
			<element name="Product.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The arrival/departure locations of a flight or a train.
			<element name="Product.DateAndTime.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Flight departure date, hotel chk-in/out dates, rental car pickup/dropoff dates.
			<element name="Product.Supplier.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Supplier of the product or service.
			<element name="Product.Class.Details" type="Goods.Classification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							A class of service, room type, vehicle type
			<element name="Product.UnitType.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Same part number could be for a coil or cut length of a product.
			<element name="Product.Reference" type="Reference.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							A link to a contract nbr, customer order nbr, p.o. nbr, etc.
	<complexType name="Reference.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Reference to another entity.
			<element name="Reference.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An identification of another entity, e.g. contract number, service level agreement id, etc.
			<element name="Reference.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Hotel confirmation, buyers reference, VAT number
			<element name="Reference.PartyName.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Used in Travel to identify the owner of a travel scheme.
			<element name="Reference.DateAndTime.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Used in Finance to state Issue Date.
	<complexType name="Document.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Information about a document 
			<element name="Document.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An identification of a product or service, i.e., flight number, part number, hotel property identifier, train number.
			<element name="Document.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						An identification of the document, e.g. contract number, service level agreement id, etc.
			<element name="Document.Subtype.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Example: Travel Type Code is passport, Sub-type code is diplomat, .
			<element name="Document.ReleaseNumber.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Document version number.
			<element name="Document.UsageComment.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Usage comments. For monitoring water discharge.
			<element name="Document.Purpose.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Example in Mat Mgmt Purpose of original document
			<element name="Document.DateAndTime" type="DateAndTime.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Example, a Issue Date, Revision Date
			<element name="Document.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Travel uses location Identifier and Purpose Code. Eg. A passport was issued at a location, a visa is for a given location
			<element name="Document.Party.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Travel uses name and nationality to identify a passport holder.
			<element name="Document.Reference.Details" type="Reference.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Reference to a previous Report (EPA). Receiving advice control number or ASN number.
			<element name="Document.IdentifierScheme.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The identifier scheme used in the creation of the identifier of the document
			<element name="Document.Status.Details" type="Status.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the status of document
			<element name="Document.CommunicationsMode.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify means by which document is communicated
			<element name="Document.Language.Details" type="Language.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							To specify language of document
			<element name="Document.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							To specify number of originals and number of copies
	<complexType name="Quantity.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				A total of something in number, size or extent.
			<element name="Quantity.Value.Quantity" type="Quantity.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						[Akward name driven by naming conventions]
						Number of units of quantity. Value of the quantity
			<element name="Quantity.Purpose.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The purpose of the quantity
			<element name="Quantity.UnitType.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The type of unit related to the quantity.
			<element name="Quantity.UnitOfMeasure.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Code specifies unit of measurement
	<complexType name="Tax.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The set of information about a tax which is levied.
			<element name="Tax.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Indicates the nature of the tax (e.g. Value Added Tax VAT)
			<element name="Tax.Amount" type="Amount.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The amount of tax.
			<element name="Tax.Taxable.Amount" type="Amount.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The amount on which tax is due/payable.
			<element name="Tax.Category.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The tax category into which a particular taxable item comes.
			<element name="Tax.Rate.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						 Indication of the rate at which the tax is charged by a name such as 'standard rate' 
			<element name="Tax.Rate.Details" type="Percentage.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The percentage rate at which the tax is levied.
			<element name="Tax.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The location imposing the tax.
			<element name="Tax.Party.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Identifies the national tax authority
	<complexType name="Goods.Classification.Details">
			<element name="Goods.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Classes of service, room types, vehicle types
			<element name="Goods.SubType.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Class of service modifier
			<element name="Goods.Status.Details" type="Status.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Available, full
			<element name="Goods.Quantity" type="Quantity.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Number of items available
	<complexType name="PaymentMethod.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Details about the nature and environment in which a payment or transfer occurs..
			<element name="PaymentMethod.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The type of payment
			<element name="PaymentMethod.Method.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The method used for payment. The means of origination of a payment 
						(e.g. check, direct deposit)
						[Changed name of element from "Form of Payment Method Code" to "Method" KISS]
			<element name="PaymentMethod.DeliveryMethod.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The means of delivery of a payment to the beneficiay (e.g. check, direct deposit, etc.)
						[Changed name of element from "Form of Dellivery of Payment Code" to "DeliveryMethod" KISS]
			<element name="PaymentMethod.Channel.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The channel or medium used for payment.
			<element name="PaymentMethod.Role.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						 Paid before due date, discontinued
			<element name="PaymentMethod.BusinessFunction.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The underlying business reason for a transaction
			<element name="PaymentMethod.CleanOrDocumentary.Indicator" type="Indicator.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Indicates whether a payment is clean or documentary. 
							Clean payments are unconditional payments are not dependent 
							on the presentation of any trade documentation. 
							Documentary payments are conditional on the presentation of 
							compliant trade documents to the appropriate bank.
			<element name="PaymentMethod.RegulatoryReportRequired.Indicator" type="Indicator.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Some countries require regulatory reporting on cross-border transactions. 
							This is an indication of whether regulatory reporting is required for this payment.
			<element name="PaymentMethod.GeographicArea.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The geographic area within which a financial payment occurs as determined by 
						the national regulations in the country of the originator. It distinguishes between 
						national, European and international areas
			<element name="PaymentMethod.Guarantee.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Indicates the kind of guarantee covering the payment
			<element name="PaymentMethod.Account.Details" type="Account.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Credit card information when FOP is credit card.
	<complexType name="Allowance.Details">
			<element name="Allowance.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Baggage allowance in pieces or weight
			<element name="Allowance.Quantity" type="Quantity.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Pieces or weight
	<complexType name="Charge.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The set of information related to a charge, which may be a sum of different charges.
			<element name="Charge.Reason.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The reason a charge is made (e.g. ….)
			<element name="Charge.Rate" type="Rate.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The rate of charge applied to the charge basis amount to find the charge amount.
			<element name="Charge.SettlementResponsibility.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Indicates the party responsible for settling the charge.
			<element name="Charge.Amount.Details" type="Amount.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The amount of the charge
			<element name="Charge.BasisAmount.Details" type="Amount.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The amount on which the charge is based
			<element name="Charge.Account.Details" type="Account.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Details of the account to be charged.
			<element name="Charge.Tax.Details" type="Tax.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Tax on the charge amount
			<element name="Charge.Charge.Details" type="Amount.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Allows a list of charges of which this is a sum.
			<element name="Charge.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							The quantity on which the charge is based.
			<element name="Charge.PaymentArrangements.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Code specifying the arrangements for a payment
			<element name="Charge.Percentage.Details" type="Percentage.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify percentages related to a charge or charge allowance
			<element name="Charge.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify locations related to the payment of the charge
			<element name="Charge.Information.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify free form supplementary information
	<complexType name="Status.Details">
			<element name="Status.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						e.g. Booking Code, Availability
			<element name="Status.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						e.g. Wait listed, confirmed
	<complexType name="Percentage.Details">
			<element name="Percentage.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A code expressing the context for which a percentage is used
						Type of percentage
			<element name="Percentage.Description.Text" type="Text.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Description of the percentage
			<element name="Percentage.Number.Percent" type="Percent.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						[Once again I plead "naming conventions made me do it"]
						A rate expressed in hundreth between to values which have the same unit of measure
						Actual percentage
	<complexType name="Interest.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Information relating to payment for the use of money or credit, expressed as a percentage 
				of the amount owed or used, and depending also on the duration of the debt.
			<element name="Interest.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The type of interest for example Overdrawn Interest Rate, Basic Interest, etc.
			<element name="Interest.Percentage.Percent" type="Percent.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						[Once again I plead "naming conventions made me do it"]
						The rate of interest.
			<element name="Interest.Duration.Details" type="Duration.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Measurement of a period of time.
			<element name="Interest.Range.Details" type="Range.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A range between two amounts
			<element name="Interest.Account.Details" type="Account.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The account to which interest will be paid if different from the account on which the interest is calculated.
	<complexType name="Duration.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Measurement of a period of time.
			<element name="Duration.DateAndTime" type="DateAndTime.Type" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Start and end date/time
			<element name="Duration.Quantity.DateAndTime" type="DateAndTime.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Units of time
	<complexType name="Range.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Amount range is used for specifiying a band of amounts for which an interest rate or charge applies.
			<element name="Range.Purpose.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						e.g. range for a rate of interest 
			<element name="Range.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						e.g. amount range, temperature range
			<element name="Range.Amount.Details" type="Amount.Details" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="2">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Used to specify the minimum and maximum included amounts within the range.
			<element name="Range.MeasurementUnit.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the unit of measurement from UN/ECE 20.
			<element name="Range.Range.Details" type="Range.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify ranges within ranges.
			<element name="Range.Currency.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The currrency of a monetary amount range.

	<complexType name="Dimensions.Details">
				<documentation xml:lang="en">
					The measurements of a product/goods.
			<element name="Dimensions.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Car dimensions, parts
			<element name="Dimensions.Measure" type="Measure.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="Dimensions.UnitofMeasure.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						metres, feet, inches,etc. (not coil, pieces... they would be covered 
						by Quantity.Details rather than Dimensions.Details)
						UN/ECE Recommendation No 20 - Codes for Units of Measure
			<element name="Dimensions.UnitofMeasureExponent.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Allows the measure to be squared, cubed, etc. (e.g square meters)
						[I've assumed this is intended to be a code indicating whether the
						number associated with measurements are for example
						"UnitofMeasure Squared" rather than a decimal number exponent
						to be applied to the number associrated with measurements.]
			<element name="Dimensions.Height" type="Measure.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Height value for the measurement
			<element name="Dimensions.Width" type="Measure.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Width value for the measurement
			<element name="Dimensions.Length" type="Measure.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Length value for the measurement
			<element name="Dimensions.Range" type="Range.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Range of values for the measurement
			<element name="Dimensions.Percentage" type="Percent.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Value of measurement expressed as a percentage
			<element name="Dimensions.Significance.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To further define the significance of the measurement (gross, net, outer, inner)
	<complexType name="Transport.Details">
			<element name="Transport.Facility.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Movies, telephones on flight
			<element name="Transport.FacilityType.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						MC/PH to check on source
			<element name="Transport.FacilityName.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="Transport.MeansOfTransport.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Identify the name of the transport means, i.e., flight number, etc. 
			<element name="Transport.MeansOfTransportName.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The name of the transport means.
			<element name="Transport.Service.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To identify a journey
			<element name="Transport.Mode.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the transport mode
			<element name="Transport.Stage.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the transport stage
			<element name="Transport.Percentage.Details" type="Percentage.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						e.g. On time percentage
						[Might want to change the name to "Transport.OnTimePercentage.Details" to head off confusion.]
			<element name="Transport.Equipment.Details" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						e.g. Airplane Models 767, 747, A320
			<element name="Transport.Quantity" type="Quantity.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Number of stops
						[Might want to change the name to "Transport.NumberOfStops.Quantity" to head off confusion.
						I thought this element was number of seats on the equipment until I read the comment.]
			<element name="Transport.DateAndTime.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Begin and end date, leg duration, day of week
			<element name="Transport.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Airport/city code of change of gauge flts, gate/terminals. 
			<element name="Transport.Dimensions.Details" type="Dimensions.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Flight leg distance
			<element name="Transport.Reference.Details" type="Reference.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Carrier PRO, invoice nbr
			<element name="Transport.Nationality.Details" type="Code.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The nationality of the means of transport
						Nationality defined using ISO 3166 2 alpha country code
			<element name="Transport.MeansOfTransportType.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							To specify the type of the means of transport
			<element name="Transport.Charge.Details" type="Charge.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify charges related to the transport stage
						[Changed name from "Charges" to "Charge" to match intent of naming conventions and earlier usage.]
			<element name="Transport.Party.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify party details related to the transport stage
	<complexType name="Tariffs.Details">
			<element name="Tariffs.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Rate code - govt, corporate, etc, govt - natural gas
			<element name="Tariffs.Plan.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Daily, weekly, monthly 
			<element name="Tariffs.Amount.Details" type="Amount.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Quoted rate, guaranteed rate, cents per cubic feet
			<element name="Tariffs.DateAndTime.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Effective dates of rate
			<element name="Tariffs.Percentage.Details" type="Percentage.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						[Changed name from Percent to Percentage to match type.]
			<element name="Tariffs.Quantity" type="Quantity.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Number of cubic feet

	<complexType name="Insurance.Details">
			<element name="Insurance.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The coverage type - household, cargo, car, etc
			<element name="Insurance.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Identification of the insurance cover
			<element name="Insurance.Name.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Description of the cover identification
			<element name="Insurance.InclusionsExclusionsText.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To describe the inclusions and exclusions of the cover
						[Changed name from ".Text" to ".InclusionsExclusions.Text" to match intent of naming conventiosn.,]
			<element name="Insurance.QuestionResponseText.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A question and response for insurance clarification
			<element name="Insurance.CoverageAndLimits.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the coverage and or limits in coded form
			<element name="Insurance.InclusionOrExclusion.Indicator" type="Indicator.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To indicate if the coverage is applicable or not
			<element name="Insurance.OptionalOrMandatory" type="Indicator.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To indicate if the coverage is optional or mandatory
			<element name="Insurance.ComponentText.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To describe a cover component.
			<element name="Insurance.Amount.Details" type="Amount.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The cost of the insurance or the sum insured.
			<element name="Insurance.GoodsOrServicesClass.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The vehicle type associated with the coverage
						[The CC Data Dictionary states that this is an aggragate type.  However, I can't figure out which type was
						intended given the comment, so I have assigned a simple "Code.Type" pending clarification.]
						[Changed name from "Class of goods/svcs" to match intent of the naming conventions.]
			<element name="Insurance.InstructionText.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							The instructions for processing the insurance entity - add, delete
							[Changed name from "Instruction info" to match intent of the naming conventions.]
			<element name="Insurance.Communication.Details" type="Communication.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The party and numbers for directing communications
						[Changed name from "Communication Point" to align with other elements based on Communication.Details.]
			<element name="Insurance.Address" type="PostalAddress.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The address for contact
						[Out of curiousity, why not use Party.Details to cover both Communication and Address?]
			<element name="Insurance.Attribute.Details" type="Attribute.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Specifications of the characteristics of the ins.
			<element name="Insurance.DateAndTime.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Date or dates of the cover
			<element name="Insurance.Percentage.Details" type="Percentage.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Rate, index, excess
			<element name="Insurance.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Quantities for the insurance, i.e., seats, bicycles 
			<element name="Insurance.Reference.Details" type="Reference.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						References of the insured and insurer, i.e. policy number
			<element name="Insurance.Identification.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To identify the relationship between the cover and events, persons, etc.
						[Changed name from "Identity" to match existing datatype and conform to naming conventions.]

	<complexType name="GoodsAndServicesDescription.Details">
			<element name="GoodsAndServicesDescription.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Class of service, room type, etc.
			<element name="GoodsAndServicesDescription.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Availability counts
			<element name="GoodsAndServicesDescription.Status.Details" type="Status.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						open, full, waitlisted
			<element name="GoodsAndServicesDescription.ConsignmentTypeIdentification.Details" type="Identification.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Text that describes the consignment from commercial, transport customs or hazardous perspective.
						[Changed name from "Consignment Type" to conform to naming conventions.]
			<element name="GoodsAndServicesDescription.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="3">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Totals of gross, net weights, and cube for consignment

	<complexType name="ProductDescription.Details">
			<element name="ProductDescription.ConsignmentTypeIdentification.Details" type="Identification.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Description of the consignment from commercial, transport customs or hazardous perspective.
			<element name="ProductDescription.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="3">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Totals of gross, net weights, and cube for consignment
			<element name="ProductDescription.ProductIdentification.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						[Changed name from "Product Code" to conform to naming conventions.]
			<element name="ProductDescription.CommodityIdentification.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						[Changed name from "Commodity Code" to conform to naming conventions.]
			<element name="ProductDescription.CountryOfOriginIdentification.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="ProductDescription.ManufacturingDateAndTime.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="ProductDescription.SellByDateAndTime.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="ProductDescription.BatchNumber.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
	<complexType name="Packaging.Details">
			<element name="Packaging.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Type of packaging
			<element name="Packaging.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Number of packages
			<element name="Packaging.Level.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To indicate the level of the packaging
			<element name="Packaging.Material.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Code to indicate one material the packaging is composed of
			<element name="Packaging.Material.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="Packaging.Product.Details" type="Product.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Goods part numbers and their description and serial numbers

	<complexType name="Equipment.Details">
			<element name="Equipment.Role.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Inbound or outbound
			<element name="Equipment.RoutingMethod.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Air expedite, less than truckload, motor truck
			<element name="Equipment.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Trailer, aircraft, vessel
			<element name="Equipment.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Equipment id
			<element name="Equipment.SpecialHandling.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Speed restriction, oversized
			<element name="Equipment.Condition.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The physical condition of the equipment
			<element name="Equipment.Party.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The supplier of the equipment component
			<element name="Equipment.DateAndTime.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The arrival and/or departure date and time
			<element name="Equipment.Dimensions.Details" type="Dimensions.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Gross, tare, physical dimensions
			<element name="Equipment.GoodsClassification.Details" type="Goods.Classification.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						e.g. hazardous material
						[Changed name from "Class of goods/svcs" to align with other portions of schema.]
			<element name="Equipment.Status.Details" type="Status.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Movement status
			<element name="Equipment.SizeAndType.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify equipment size/type coded
			<element name="Equipment.SizeAndType.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify equipment size/type in text
			<element name="Equipment.Reference.Details" type="Reference.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify any references related to the equipment
			<element name="Equipment.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify how many pieces of equipment of the same size/type
			<element name="Equipment.HazardousGoods.Details" type="HazardousGoods.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify hazardous details
			<element name="Equipment.NatureOfGoods.Details" type="NatureOfGoods.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To provide commodity and product codes for equipment contents
			<element name="Equipment.Attachment.Details" type="Attachment.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To provide information relating to attached equipment e.g. chains
			<element name="Equipment.TransportMovement.Details" type="TransportMovement.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="Equipment.Charge.Details" type="Charge.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify charges related to the equipment
			<element name="Equipment.Document.Details" type="Document.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify document information relating to a piece of equipment
			<element name="Equipment.Seal.Details" type="Seal.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Sealing information
			<element name="Equipment.GovernmentalRequirements.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify customs requirements etc.
						[Should this be a more sophisticated datatype than just Text.Type?]
			<element name="Equipment.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify locations related to the equipment
			<element name="Equipment.InformationText.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify free form supplementary information
			<element name="Equipment.Damage.Details" type="Damage.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						For specifying any damage to the equipment
			<element name="Equipment.Transport.Details" type="Transport.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						For specifying transport details relating to a piece of equipment
			<element name="Equipment.TransportEquipment.Details" type="Equipment.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						For specifying equipment details within equipment details

	<complexType name="ShipmentInformation.Details">
			<element name="ShipmentInformation.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Shipped, estimated shipment, ready for shipment
			<element name="ShipmentInformation.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="ShipmentInformation.Reference.Details" type="Reference.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">

	<complexType name="ReceivingConditions.Details">
			<element name="ReceivingConditions.Condition.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Damaged, ok
			<element name="ReceivingConditions.Disposition.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Hold, returned
			<element name="ReceivingConditions.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Actual receipt, comparison
	<complexType name="ReceiptDiscrepancy.Details">
			<element name="ReceiptDiscrepancy.Reason.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Discrepancy code
			<element name="ReceiptDiscrepancy.Product.Details" type="Product.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Buyer part number, seller part number
			<element name="ReceiptDiscrepancy.Reference.Details" type="Reference.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Purchase order number, SID number
			<element name="ReceiptDiscrepancy.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Expected, received
			<element name="ReceiptDiscrepancy.ReceivingConditions.Details" type="ReceivingConditions.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Damaged in transport, long, short
	<complexType name="ShipmentHistory.Details">
			<element name="ShipmentHistory.DateAndTime.Details" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						shipment date
			<element name="ShipmentHistory.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Customer cumulative received
	<complexType name="Requirements.Details">
			<element name="Requirements.RevisionLevel.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						e.g. Engine change and model year
			<element name="Requirements.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify quantities for raw material, fabrication, and firm
			<element name="Requirements.Date.Details" type="Date.Details" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Dates for plan to ship, horizon start/end, and generation
			<element name="Requirements.Product.Details" type="Product.Details" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Goods part numbers and their description and serial numbers
			<element name="Requirements.Reference.Details" type="Reference.Details" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Purchase order number
	<complexType name="Reconciliation.Details">
			<element name="Reconciliation.Date.Details" type="Date.Details" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Dates associated with reference numbers
			<element name="Reconciliation.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Quantities associated with items in reference
			<element name="Reconciliation.Reference.Details" type="Reference.Details" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Identification of last shipment, last receipt, accum start/end.
	<complexType name="Duration.Details">
			<element name="Duration.Date.Details" type="Date.Details" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Start and end date/time
			<element name="Duration.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Units of time
	<complexType name="Event.Details">
			<element name="Event.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the type of event, i.e. a trigger event.
			<element name="Event.Relationship.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Before, after, or on
			<element name="Event.DateAndTime.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Trigger date and/or time
			<element name="Event.Duration.Details" type="Duration.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						How long before or after
	<complexType name="Instruction.Details">
			<element name="Instruction.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Text related to the instruction
			<element name="Instruction.Action.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The action to be taken
			<element name="Instruction.Party.Details" type="Party.Details" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The party to carry out the instruction and the party to receive the result of the instruction.
			<element name="Instruction.Communication.Details" type="Communication.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The means of communication
			<element name="Instruction.Event.Details" type="Event.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						When the instruction is to be carried out.
			<element name="Instruction.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the type of instructions e.g. handling
			<element name="Instruction.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify coded instructions
	<complexType name="FinancialInformation.Details">
			<element name="FinancialInformation.Type.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The type of financial information, i.e., for a location
			<element name="FinancialInformation.Reference.Details" type="Reference.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The type of tax registration number and the number 
			<element name="FinancialInformation.PaymentMethod.Details" type="PaymentMethod.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Terms of payment applicable to a location
						[Name changed from "Payment Instructions" to align with schema]
	<complexType name="Attribute.Details">
			<element name="Attribute.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The type of attribute, i.e. characteristics of insurance
			<element name="Attribute.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The value of the attribute
	<complexType name="DeliveryTerms.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				To specify the terms of delivery
			<element name="DeliveryTerms.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						INCOTERMS 2000 code to specify the terms of delivery
			<element name="DeliveryTerms.Location.Details" type="Location.Details">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the delivery location
			<element name="DeliveryTerms.PaymentTerms.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							To specify the terms of payment
	<complexType name="Rules.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				The rules relating to a fare on an airline flight, a rental car rate, etc.
			<element name="Rules.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Minimum stay, advance booking, deposit, etc.
			<element name="Rules.Relation.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Before, after
			<element name="Rules.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Additional info associated to the rule
			<element name="Rules.Percentage.Details" type="Percentage.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Percentage required for deposit or guarantee
			<element name="Rules.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details"  minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						A number that is usually associated to days, hours, etc.
			<element name="Rules.DateAndTime.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Effective and expiration dates for the rule 
			<element name="Rules.Amount.Details" type="Amount.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Amount of deposit, penalty, etc.

<!-- The following fragment, identified as line number 92 was dangling in the midst of the spreadsheet
	Anyone know where it lives?
	Transport Details		Aggregate		0..1	Transport includes Facility Type, ….

	<complexType name="Information.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				To specify free form supplementary information
			<element name="Information.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Type of free text
			<element name="Information.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Free form text
	<complexType name="RegulatoryProcedures.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				To specify regulatory procedures and requirements
			<element name="RegulatoryProcedures.Purpose.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Type of regulatory requirements
			<element name="RegulatoryProcedures.RegulatoryAgency.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Regulatory agency coded e.g. customs
			<element name="RegulatoryProcedures.Procedure.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify a regulatory procedure
			<element name="RegulatoryProcedures.Event.Details" type="Event.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify actions related to a regulatory requirement
			<element name="RegulatoryProcedures.Status.Details" type="Status.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify status information relating to the regulatoryrequirement
			<element name="RegulatoryProcedures.TransportMovement.Details" type="TransportMovement.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify transport movement details related to the requirement for customs purposes
			<element name="RegulatoryProcedures.DateAndTime.Details" type="DateAndTime.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify dates/times related to a regulatory requirement
			<element name="RegulatoryProcedures.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify locations related to a regulatory requirement
			<element name="RegulatoryProcedures.Document.Details" type="Document.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify documents related to a regulatory requirement
			<element name="RegulatoryProcedures.Charge.Details" type="Charge.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify charges related to a regulatory requirement
			<element name="RegulatoryProcedures.Text.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify additional information in free text form
	<complexType name="ChargePayment.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				Type of charge
			<element name="ChargePayment.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify agreed instructions related to the payment of charges under a contract for goods or services							</documentation>
			<element name="ChargePayment.PaymentArrangements.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							Code specifying the arrangements for a payment
			<element name="ChargePayment.PaymentMethod.Details" type="PaymentMethod.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Terms of payment applicable to a location
						[Name changed from "Payment Instructions" to align with schema]
	<complexType name="Price.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				To specify price information
				[This datatype is decidedly too simple... elements are missing... anyone know where they wandered off to?]
			<element name="Price.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Type of price
	<complexType name="GoodsItem.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				To specify goods item details
			<element name="GoodsItem.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
							To identify an individual goods item
							[Name change from "Item Number" to conform to naming conventions.]
			<element name="GoodsItem.Packaging.Details" type="Packaging.Details" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the numbers and types of packaging by level
			<element name="GoodsItem.InstructionsText.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify handling instructions for the goods item
			<element name="GoodsItem.Dimensions.Details" type="Dimensions.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify all measurements/dimensions for the goods item
			<element name="GoodsItem.TransportMovement.Details" type="TransportMovement.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the transport movement details for the goods item if uncontainerised
			<element name="GoodsItem.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify country/geographic region/economic region details for customs purposes
			<element name="GoodsItem.Amount.Details" type="Amount.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify values related to the goods item
			<element name="GoodsItem.CargoType.Code" type="Code.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify classifications for the goods item e.g. HS code
						[Used standard Code.Details rather than proposed redundant "TypeOfCargo" datatype.]
			<element name="GoodsItem.NatureOfGoods" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Description of goods
			<element name="GoodsItem.MarksAndIdentification.Details" type="Identification.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify physical marking and automatic identifiers for a goods item
			<element name="GoodsItem.Document.Details" type="Document.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To identify documents for the goods item
			<element name="GoodsItem.SplitGoods.Details" type="SplitGoods.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To identify 
			<element name="GoodsItem.Damage.Details" type="Damage.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify any damage to the goods
			<element name="GoodsItem.Hazardous.Details" type="HazardousGoods.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
	<complexType name="SplitGoods.Details">
			<element name="SplitGoods.TransportEquipment.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify equipment number
			<element name="SplitGoods.TransportEquipment.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="2">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify equipment number
						[Is this duplicate really intentional or the result of a typo?]
			<element name="SplitGoods.Dimensions.Details" type="Dimensions.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify measurements
	<complexType name="TransportMovement.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				To specify details of a transport movement
			<element name="TransportMovement.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Type of price
			<element name="TransportMovement.HaulageArrangements.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify carrier or merchant haulage
	<complexType name="NatureOfGoods.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				To specify descriptions of goods in transit
			<element name="NatureOfGoods.Commodity.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify commodity code for customs purposes
			<element name="NatureOfGoods.Description.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						Free text description of goods in transport
	<complexType name="MarksAndIdentification.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				To specify physical marking and automatic identifiers for a goods item
			<element name="MarksAndIdentification.ShippingMarks.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify physical marking
			<element name="MarksAndIdentification.Reference.Details" type="Reference.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify references related to the markings of the goods item
			<element name="MarksAndIdentification.Range.Details" type="Range.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify single or ranges of identification numbers
			<element name="MarksAndIdentification.Dimensions.Details" type="Dimensions.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify measurements
	<complexType name="HazardousGoods.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				To specify hazardous details for goods in transit
			<element name="HazardousGoods.DGRegulations.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the appropriate dangerous goods regulatory body
			<element name="HazardousGoods.UNDG.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="HazardousGoods.Reference.Details" type="Reference.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify alternative hazard identification references
			<element name="HazardousGoods.Dimensions.Details" type="Dimensions.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="HazardousGoods.DGLabel.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="HazardousGoods.InstructionText.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="HazardousGoods.InformationText.Details" type="Text.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the DG technical name and any additional text information
			<element name="HazardousGoods.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="HazardousGoods.Communication.Details" type="Communication.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="HazardousGoods.MarinePollutant.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="HazardousGoods.SplitGoods.Details" type="SplitGoods.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="HazardousGoods.Dimensions.Details" type="Dimensions.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">

	<complexType name="Seal.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				To provide sealing information
			<element name="Seal.Identifier" type="Identifier.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To identify a seal
			<element name="Seal.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To indicate the type of seal
			<element name="Seal.Status.Details" type="Status.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify condition of seal
			<element name="Seal.Party.Details" type="Party.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify sealing party
	<complexType name="Damage.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				To specify damage and/or condition
			<element name="Damage.Purpose.Code" type="Code.Type">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
			<element name="Damage.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the type of damage coded
			<element name="Damage.Type.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the type of damage in free form text
			<element name="Damage.Severity.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the severity of the damage
			<element name="Damage.Location.Details" type="Location.Details" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify the location of the damage
	<complexType name="Attachment.Details">
			<documentation xml:lang="en">
				To specify attachments
			<element name="Attachment.Type.Code" type="Code.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify type of attachment coded
			<element name="Attachment.Type.Text" type="Text.Type" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						To specify type of attachment in free text form
			<element name="Attachment.Quantity.Details" type="Quantity.Details" minOccurs="0">
					<documentation xml:lang="en">
						The number of attachments of the same type


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