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Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] ebXML specifications interdendancies
Mike Rawlins wrote: > Thanks, but I still don't think I have an answer. I know perfectly well what "context" > is. From your previous messages in this thread, I thought you were referring to the > "context message". Specifically, about it I was asking: > > 1) How do you expect the context message to be used? > > 2) Why is the context message "depended on by several other systems in ebXML"? (or at > least that's what I thought that you were asserting. Forgive me if I misread you.) >>>>>>>>>>> Okay - here it is in non technical language: Core Components are too abstract to be readily usable. For Core Components to be used on a global basis, we need the context mechanism. Otherwise, ebXML users will likely convert their existing business messages into their own core components. This will lead to a proliferation of core components, hence interoperability will suffer. Therefore, I assert that every scenario within ebXML that is concerned with Business Information is dependant on the COntext Mechanism. If you look at a Runtime Stack or a Design sequence, the dependencies are obvious. IF you start to build software, and use proper object oriented techniques, you will quickly discover that all the core components engines, the transformation components, assembly document engines and design tools are ALL dependent on the context rules message either directly or indirectly. Duane
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