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Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] ebXML for Thesis

I feel downright embarrassed for ebXML by that answer, Andrzej.  Did
someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

Neville specifically said he was interested in a suggestion for
something to prototype - there are half a dozen major specifications
within ebXML, and surely one could be found that can stand on its own
for some sort of simple implementation.  Off the top of my head, I would
suggest a prototype of ebXML Messaging Services - if only because it has
the most mature specification of an admittedly immature standard.  This
is an especially ideal place to start if Neville has interest in
Internet protocols, such as SOAP, MIME, HTTP, etc.;  if so, he can begin
his journey at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/.

If his interests lie more on the business side, I would suggest he steer
clear of ebXML Business Processes and the CPP-CPA (start with
http://xml.coverpages.org/ebXML.html), because their complexity might
make a prototype impractical for a senior year project.

Instead, maybe Neville might think of something he can do with Core
Components now that the specification (version 1.90) has been approved
by TMG.  Though ebXML has a Registry specification, again, its
complexity probably keeps it from providing suitable fodder for a
thesis - unless Neville can take advantage of already existing
open-source implementations to study.

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
Columbus, US-OH 43221-3859
+1 (614) 487-0320

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrzej Jan Taramina" <andrzej@chaeron.com>
To: <ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org>
Sent: Sunday, 05 January, 2003 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] ebXML for Thesis

Neville asks

> Could you please help me clarify my ideas

First, you don't seem to have any ideas to clarify.  In fact, you have
no ideas at

Second, you haven't seemed to have done even any basic homework on
ebXML, given the simplistic nature of your request. There is a lot of
information on ebXML and it's application on the net....go read it.

Third, this group is not called ebxml-homework@lists.ebxml.org for a

Andrzej Jan Taramina
Chaeron Corporation: Enterprise System Solutions

----- Original Message -----
From: "Neville Agius" <nagi005@um.edu.mt>
To: <ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org>; "Regis Dubois"
<Regis.Dubois@valtech.fr>; <duane@xmlglobal.com>
Sent: Sunday, 05 January, 2003 03:07 AM
Subject: [ebxml-dev] ebXML for Thesis


I am during my final year of studies in computer science. As part of my
studies I need to develop some kind of application based on ebXML. I
have not still decided what kind of application I am going to develop to
show some of the ebxml features. The prototype should not be so
complicated nor too simple since this is not a masters degree but a
first degree in bachelor of science.

Could you please help me clarify my ideas by giving me some ideas for
example what kind of application could be developed for my thesis and
whether you have some examples involving source code so as to take a
look at them and experiment with them.


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