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XML serialization of CCs / BIEs (was: contact information)


I am interested in this topic.  I would like to make sure I understand
what the scope of this activity is. In particular, am I correct to
interpret this as an XML representation that could serve as an
alternative for the Excel sheets as used in UBL CEFACT to encode Core
Components or BIEs, or does it have a different purpose ?

Would it be just an interchange representation, or would it also
support authoring (data definition)?  

My interest is the following: in a project (on interchange of data
across government agencies) I am involved in we have about 400 BIEs
defined in a 150 page Word document that serves as specification for a
collection of XML schemas for interchange documents. To alleviate
maintenance, our plan is to transform the Word document to an XML
document from which we can generate the XML schema and documentation
in a consistent way in the next couple of weeks, a bit like the UBL
XLS to XSD Perl script but then using XSLT.

It seems that an XML schema corresponding to the UBL worksheets would
be a fairly simple schema.  In our case we would need to extend it in
a number of areas (metadata, documentation elements). We will do this
ourselves, but if there is some starting point, in ATG2 or by other
initiatives (like Duane's) we could use (to facilitate migration to
some future standard format), that would be great.

Could you give me an update on the current state of this work? 
Are there other similar actvities I should be aware of?

Kind regards,

Pim van der Eijk

Mobile/SMS/MMS: +31 6 22502011                

> -----Original Message-----
> From: CRAWFORD, Mark [mailto:MCRAWFORD@lmi.org]
> Sent: 02 October 2003 06:21
> To: UN/CEFACT TMG General Discussion List
> Subject: RE: Request for contact
> Duane,
> Fred is correct.  It is ATG2 which at this point is basing its work
primarily on the groundbreaking work of UBL in this 
> area.  Give me a call and we can discuss.
> Mark 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Fred Blommestein, van [mailto:f.van.blommestein@berenschot.com]
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 10:54 AM
> > To: UN/CEFACT TMG General Discussion List
> > Subject: RE: Request for contact
> > 
> > 
> > Hi Duane,
> > 
> > To my understanding Mark Crawford MCRAWFORD@lmi.org is leading that
> > team.
> > I'm glad you keep so good in touch. For me the fun would have
> > disappeared if you really would have been gone.
> > 
> > Fred
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Duane Nickull [mailto:duane@yellowdragonsoft.com] 
> > Sent: woensdag 1 oktober 2003 16:50
> > To: UN/CEFACT TMG General Discussion List
> > Subject: Request for contact
> > 
> > 
> > Can anyone supply me with information on the ATG group 
> > working on an XML
> > 
> > serialization of core components/BIE's?  In the quest for a group of 
> > logical components, we are working on an XML format ourselves.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Duane
> > 
> > 
> > ---
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> > 
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> > You are currently subscribed to the uncefact-tmg-general listserve.
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