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Subject: Followup for BP/CC POC Sub-proposal
I appreciate the feedback on the sub-proposal. Here are some additional thoughts: - I encourage BP/CC team members that are interested in the POC sub-proposal to subscribe to the ebXML-poc list to eliminate cross posting. - I will work with Bob Haugen to see what is being done for the automotive meta-model. Bob, can you please forward me the material once you see the latest docs posted. I am on the road this coming week and may not see them on time. I have Krishna, please make sure that I get your feedback as well if you decide to work on this independently. - The GCI material was used because it was formally given to the POC team for review. An inquiry was sent up the chain to see if there were any other markets that were interested in demonstration with no response. It is my understanding that Melanie is working to align the meta-model with the BP/CC activities. Does anyone know if this is happening? - The sub-proposal was intentionally written to separate the models from their implementation (there are four scenarios in the sub-proposal). The automotive models can be included if: we are able to include them within POC deadlines (sub-proposal final is due 9/21, POC integrated proposal 10/12), the scenarios are aligned with the other POC sub-proposals (this will be subject of the integration effort starting late next week), and the scenarios are implementable by Tokyo. I will work with Bob to see that we can meet these objectives if the consensus is to include the automotive meta-model. Also, if the GCI meta-model is aligned with BP/CC, are there any objectives to using it? Please continue to send me your comments and material you have for inclusion. I will revise the report as needed. There is a POC telecon this coming week, please see the list for a dial-in to be posted. Thanks! Mark
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