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Subject: RE: XPATH query Take 2
Message text written by INTERNET:matt@xmlglobal.com > The work done in LDAP is certainly interesting, but what about something like QUILT. AFAICS, QUILT uses XPath-like syntax which is useful on the document level context while adding functionality to bring it into the same space as SQL. JP: When you say "root context" what do you mean exactly? Cheers, Matt <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Matt, The problem is that QUILT is right at this precise second something we cannot comment on. But since the W3C is actively working XML Query - and we anticipate results, certainly by Vienna, it is prudent to not box ourselves in. So we have only XPath which is official. As an initial base to work from I really don't see any alternates. My offer (similar to Len's) of a simple query semantic based on parameters and XML was pooh-poohed as inventing a new query language (which it was not). Rather a set of commonly used parameters to enable simplified access - regardless of the underlying query language on the backend. This stuff is not rocket science - its just boolean logic expressed in English keywords with XML tag targets. I've built a couple of these already - the last one was for users at the Smithsonian to run magazine and photograph searches by clicking on checkboxes and typing in search values to generate an iterative list of search terms. Anyway - so that's why it looks like the only option is XPath - which is a lot more complicated than what I saw as needed first pass here. DW.
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