have been quietly lurking in the background of the various ebXML and other
newsgroups for some months now, soaking up knowledge when and where it
presents itself. I had the opportunity to use that acquired knowledge recently
in a gig as Senior Business Analyst at CommerceQuest, and look forward to
learning more and using XML in my next work, wherever that may
speak up now, uninvited, to make an observation and to ask a
collaboration and contaminant politicking I see here appeared healthy to
me until just a week or two ago. That's when I first began to wonder if a)
this group was really a group, and 2) whether a single standard would ever
exist, this one or any other. The e-mail discussions regarding this working
group's relationship with others, with W3C, indeed with and to the market you
intend to serve, seem now distant and disdainful. The comments and work
efforts of the various working groups make me wonder if you are all working on
the same project. I had...have, great hopes that this group could help bring
standards for XML to the workplace.
see here some of the best minds at the top companies....drifting further from
each other, much less a standard.
question is this...In the light of XAML and other standards efforts underway,
is there any desire, any chance, that we (Me and the rest of the working
putz's who actually have to model b2b transactions), will see a standard? Will
you all agree to work with XAML and other bodies on one form of communication?
After all - if there are two versions there is no standard. That leaves us
right where we started.
Thank you in advance for your
Momentarily unemployed Business Analyst and Technical
Bowstreet, HP, IBM, Oracle and Sun Microsystems join forces to create
standard for e-business transactions across the Internet.