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Subject: Re: Tag Languages, UID's etc. - My experiment with the Beacon BDR

Message text written by "William J. Kammerer"
In summary, with everyone and his brother (ISO BSR and the Beacon BDR as
notable examples) having already started such naming facilities, why
does ebXML have to invent its own?  At a minimum, couldn't some XML
artifact ("imaginary" namespaces???) be used to say a particular name is
defined by the BSR, or alternatively, the BDR, the HIPAA DED or the
RosettaNet Business Dictionary?


Am I missing something here?

I know watching ebXML work can be like watching flies around a fresh
cow pat - and we're all sort-of focused on the same goal - but there's 
a lot of flying around and buzz that makes it hard to hear yourself
think sometimes!

Anyway - I thought the idea was to specifically NOT come up with some
naming system - since there are a shed load of these out there already,
and by specifying the UID mechanism we can be neutral in what 
amount to religious wars on wording schemes.

Therefore we can load an ebXML registry with whatever dictionary
a particular industry fancies, and then use the UID mechanism to
build associations to ensure interoperability.

Trying to force a standard 'set' of things down everyones throats 
smacks too much of old EDI, and also like too much work!

The BDR is a good example in this context - it has evolved over time
and there is a result of a particular group of people doing things their
way.  Nothing wrong with that.   I like the idea that ebXML provides the
tools for registry and core components and then this allows people
to set forth and create what they need to.

Over time - best practices - and established components will drive
a natural development in this space.  No need for us to try and
artificially grow mutant strains in some lab' somewhere with 
excessive use of inorganic fertilisers!!


p.s.  Kehh?!  And it seemed to be using archaic and effete spellings, 
         like "Organisation" - which has long been replaced 
        (even in the OED!!!) by the robust and reformed "Organization."
        May I remind you that there are about 230 million Americans,
        of whom only about 60+% actually claim American as their
        first language - and that real English speakers worldwide far
        outnumber you!

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