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Subject: Business Process Components - SMEs want a two way flow of data
One of the biggest influences that has slowed down electronic commerce and EDI over the years is the uni-directional data flow typically found in EDI systems. That is, the expectation that Orders will flow in, and nothing much will come back the other way. Purchase Orders have been the main focus of the EDI endeavours, as EDI itself was originally invented to solve a particular problem in the area. However, for SMEs at the moment, need more. They want the flow of data to be two ways. They want to be able to receive Invoices/Delivery dockets and Statements electronically and have them loaded automatically into their systems. In most cases, they have to 'key' this information manually and it's a hassle. Obviously with the prevalence of packaged accounting systems, there is every likelyhood that 'monkeys' (programs to key Invoicees and Delivery Dockets) will become more widespread. Receipts/Invoices and Delivery dockets. They are the worst for small business, and most big businesses are ambivilent about automating them, yet they are so important. Having said this, I acknowledge that there are some companies who offer this, however, more work needs to be done to provide a 'two-way' flow of data between organisations, now that the uni-directional flow has been in operation between some organisations for over 15 years. For success with ebXML for SMEs, a big push needs to be made on streamlining the Invoice/Delivery Docket/Receipt flow in the same way that Purchase Orders were the big push in EDI. Take care David Lyon
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