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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re: TPA Requirements

I could not disagree more strenuously. Long before we can establish
a trading relationship, we must locate our trading partners.

If locating trading partners turns out to be trivial, hoorah!
But it remains a requirement, and it must be identified as such.

At 08:07 AM 7/31/00 -0500, Mike Rawlins wrote:
>My own opinion is that locating trading partners will be done through other means, and that
>our requirements analysis should focus on Lisa's step 2:
>2)  Establish/Setup electronic trade relationship [in EDI terms: setup trading
>partner profile, mappings, etc]
>There are already myriad ways to do 1), and to try do meet that requirement in ebXML
>increases the complexity by several orders of magnitude.
>However, that's just my opinion.  Assuming StC gives us the green light, the Requirements
>Team will probably deal with scope as the first issue we discuss.
>duane wrote:
>> "Lisa M. Shreve" wrote:
>> > Mike,
>> >
>> > In order to engage in electronic trade, there are three fundamental steps:
>> >
>> > 1)  Locate trading partner
>> <SNIP>
>> I know this is  a requirement for trade.  IS EbXML in the search Engine business.  IF
>> we are, can we make a decision and stick with it becuase we currently consider this out
>> of scope for ebXML.  If we are to do it,  we need to know now.  I don;t disagree with
>> this, but TA needs a clear mandate for architecting.
>> Duane
>Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting

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